She looked around and froze, as had everyone in the court.

Then there was silence.


The silence was broken by Kunti's horrified gasp.

"Maa," said Yudhishthir in consternation. "What did you say?"

"I had no idea--I never thought--"

It took a while for everyone in the court to grasp the situation. Yudhishthir struggled to say the words he deemed to be right.

"We cannot falsify Maa's words."

"But there is no possible way to avoid that," said Kunti anxiously. "It was a slip of tongue, forget it, my sons."

"How will that be right?" asked Yudhishthir.

Duryodhan and Dussashan, standing beside Karna, looked amused. Shakuni was licking his lips. Most people looked intrigued. Bhisma, at the far end of the hall, could not have looked further from amusement.

"Panchali--" Yudhishthir turned to her; she had drawn closer to Arjun and looked wary. "Do you have any solution to this dilemma?"

An intense discussion commenced, in which everyone joined in. Bhisma Pitamah's opinion was asked foremost, then Gandhari and Dhritarashtra spoke. Shakuni made a comment or two.

The solution that began to emerge was: Panchali was to wed all five of the brothers.

Yudhishthir, horrified and desperately conflicted, saw how queasy Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev looked, even silent. But that was nothing compared to Arjun's and Panchali's expressions.

They had stepped away from each other, and were practically on opposite sides of the gathering now.

Arjun's shoulders were slumped, disappointment and horror emanating from him. Panchali did a better of job of hiding her emotions, but her lips were pursed into a thin line, and her fingers were clasped together.

They did not look at each other. In spite of their sudden wedding, they had both had set their hearts on it, and Yudhishthir hated himself for what was being done. But what was right and what was easy did not often coincide.

"Do you think it will be possible for you, Panchali?" asked Gandhari gently.

"If that is what I am expected to do," Panchali said in a ringing voice, letting Hastinapur know that she was not someone to be trifled with, "I will do it."

The hope was doused from Arjun's eyes. Yudhishthir's heart broke.

"You, Arjun?" asked Gandhari.

Arjun averted his gaze from everyone staring at him. "Yes, it's--it is--fine by me."


Then the King of Anga spoke loudly.

"The entire idea is ridiculous. No one can be compelled into an arrangement like this."

The court fell silent. Watchful gazes scrutinized Karna. Duryodhan and Dussashan's jaws were hanging open.

"As Maharani Kunti said, forget her words. They were a mistake. She admits herself it was a mistake."

"But disobeying an elder would be unrighteous, King of Anga," said Yudhishthir. "Especially our own mother. You know that, do you not?"

"Following a slip of tongue by an elder in the name of dharma and letting innocent bystanders suffer is what in reality is adharma, Yudhishthir," said Karna. "What becomes of the woman you are subjecting to this suffering? What of her wishes? What of Arjun's?"

"Panchali and Arjun said--" began Gandhari.

But Karna's stand seemed to have rekindled Panchali's fire.

"I said if this were expected of me, I would do it. However, I would certainly prefer my husband's family did not expect such things of me in the first place. I have changed my mind. I will marry solely Arjun, or I will return to Panchal and live as an outcast with my brother."

She fixed a laser eye on Arjun, whose face was burning and who looked like he would rather be anywhere else on earth. He glanced at Yudhishthir, who remained quiet and thoughtful.

"I agree with the King of Anga and my wife," he said finally, rather feebly. Then his voice strengthened. "Subjecting a woman to a polyandrous marriage cannot be dharma, jyesht."

"You're right." Yudhishthir grabbed the way out with both hands, relief drenching him. "Of the two evils, falsification of Maa's words is relatively more righteous than--this."

Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev immediately spoke up in agreement. The discussion resumed, now in favour of the bride and groom's opinions.

Yudhishthir caught Arjun flashing the King of Anga a frank smile of relief, and suddenly he was so glad, he thought he had never felt more grateful towards anyone.

He had needed someone to show him a way out of dharma fueling on adharma, and of all people, it had been the King of Anga who had showed him that.


A/N: Watching Argentina win and writing Karna-Arjun fanfics in the dead of night is quite the paradise. My voice is cracked, but it was worth it.

To every Argentina fan out there, VAMOS ARGENTINA. JUST ONE MORE MATCH TO GO. 

PS: Be it his penalties or assists or attacks, Leo Messi is God and no one can convince me otherwise. And just for the sake of justice in this world, at least, he deserves this last World Cup.

Anuj's claim to affection (A Karna-Arjun what-if story)Where stories live. Discover now