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" Andrew Federico , is the leader of La Milieu. His right hand person, Adrik Peterov. The two are the American representatives of Russia" said Sherlock, his one hand in his pocket and the other wandering in the air.

"Yes Sherlock. You have been telling the same thing 3 times now. We know it kiddo" said the Captain gently.

Sherlock realised what he was doing, jumping from one feet to another uncomfortably, his anxiety and desperation clearly seen on his face. "Yeah, okay. Let's move ahead"

"Sherlock" said Marcus softly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I am. Adequately prepared for the task ahead. Why do you ask?" he asked.

"Nothing" he said and gave a fond smile to Sherlock. Marcus, the sole witness of their relationship, had been with them in all its phases. Along with the two, he also had witnessed them growing,shining,sparkling,healing and loving each other.

Sherlock nodded curtly. He looked back and forth from the two to the pictures on the wall.

Captain, "come on , Sherlock you should go home now and take a rest"

Sherlock nodded and scratched his head. "Yeah ,I  think I should probably go" Captain and Marcus nodded gravely. "Take care of yourself Sherlock" said the captain gently. "Take care of yourself buddy" said the Marcus. Sherlock gave a half smile and said, "you too" and he turned to leave. He opened the door and in came Mycroft Holmes , his mouth tilted in a light smirk , looking unusually similar to his brother. Sherlock meanwhile had a disgusted look on his face. 

"What are y- " began Sherlock when he was interrupted by Mycroft , "Wait Sherlock , Captain , Marcus , I have some information related to it. " Sherlock eyes widened and he left his hand which he had held. Mycroft smiled. "Don't give that stupid smile. Just get out with it" said Sherlock frustrated by his brother's behaviour. The Captain and Marcus too were eager to hear the news.

"Okay , so here goes. Andrew had never met me. But once or twice I had been arranged a meeting with his right hand man , Adrik. He may have slipped out the name of the only place they have as their headquarters and also that all the people who they kidnap or kill are kept at the same place"

Sherlock's eyes were filled with tears. His voice choked as he said, " ar- are you saying the tr-uth Mycroft?" Mycroft's eyes softened on seeing the innocent look on his brother's face. He used to say always that his brother was someone who was incapable of giving and receiving love , but seeing him like this made him realise that no one but he himself was incapable of giving love. He realised that when Sherlock gave love , he did it with all his heart and soul. Never expecting anything. This was the case with Irene Adler as well , he recalled. But Joan? Sherlock's rock. That anytime he knew that he  could lean on. The love that Sherlock had for Joan was inexplicable , could never be put in words. And he was too overwhelmed to stand in front of his brother who used to claim that he was above all matters of heart. " She m-ust be there musn't she?" he said , his eyes shining with hope. The three days , since Joan had gone Sherlock had lost his charm. The brain made deductions , maybe twice the usual speed but the heart was left unsatisfied. Trying to express his emotions , trying to break out of the shell he had built for himself in the three days , but no , he did not trust anyone with his vulnerable self . He did not feel  safe enough. So he did what he could.  Did not sleep .Skipped meals . Tried to bury himself as deep as he could in the evidences and suspects. Eventually looking more of a person who has been kidnapped then Joan would have ever looked. 

"Excellent Mr Holmes , provide us with their address and then we will go there" said the Captain and Mycroft nodded and went off with Marcus. The Captain also went out to inform the teams. Sherlock thumped on the couch. He took out his phone and opened their photo together with trembling hands. The only photo in his 500 picture gallery in which he had smiled wholeheartedly. From his eyes and his heart. He smiled with tears remembering the way , Joan had desperately asked him to take a photo with her so that they could have a memory together. And then he had said that they were always meant to be together and she had smiled. Oh! that smile. That always managed to warm his heart and bring out a sense of belonging within him. Then she had hugged him tightly , her warm breaths fanning his neck making him feel alive and with a grin he had tightened his hold on her and planted a kiss on her head. He had always thought that love was what he had given and received by Irene. His sexual hormones at work , that's it. But now that he had come to realise it. Love was not just sexual intercourse. It was all the times he had shouted at Watson for not informing him whether she was going out or coming late. It was all the times when Watson had scolded him for not calling her time to time informing his where abouts. It was all the times when he had felt proud seeing her solve a case efficiently. It was all the times when she had taken his head in her lap . stroking his hair , kissing his forehead and whispering , 'good night sherlock , sleep well , i am here with you.' It was all the times when he felt protected and cared for and felt his heart explode with emotions when she had said to Irene and his father that 'Sherlock was hers and no one can harm him ever as long as she was there' .It was all the times when he had hugged her tightly to himself and felt peace. It was all the times when he had rested his head on her chest and felt that he was safe from the world. It was all the time when he had kissed on her head and all she had felt at that moment was fondness and affection for her man and all the times when she had felt him smirk proudly hiding his face when she used the techniques taught by him and had solved the cases.  It was basically all the times when they both had been together , and had given comfort to each other , knowingly or unknowingly.

"Watson" he whispered stroking her picture, loving the intimacy in her name. "i am coming to you , to rescue you , to rescue me you can say as well , i am coming , back in your arms , to have a peaceful sleep. i love you Watson , to an extent which both you and i cannot fathom. I am missing you terribly. come back soon. I need to rest. I need to feel safe , loved , protected. I have lost strength to do so. I need only you to do it for me. I love you Watson, very much" and closed his eyes , hugging the picture to himself and letting his tears flow. And somewhere he felt peace and let out a small smile , when his heart felt her replying to him , "I love you too Sherlock".


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