The meet

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Buck came out of the locker room to see hen and chimney huddled together. "Hey uhh what's going on?"
"Eddie Diaz. New recruit."
Buck watched as Eddie slipped on his shirt. He zoned out, not able to focus on his surroundings. He was fixated on Eddies perfectly shaped, muscular body.
"Cmon let's go introduce ourselves!" Hen skipped away to greet Eddie
Buck walked away with a grunt.
Why was he feeling this? He knew he was into men but Eddie?! I mean yeah he has nice hair and contoured abs- no. Evan why are you thinking this? He said to himself.

Eddies pov ••

I was getting dressed when most of my team came is to welcome me to the 118. I think I'll like it here.
I look around because I heard there was more of them. I see a guy standing outside the changing rooms. He has a birthmark on his eye and an amazing face structure. He didn't look happy.
I resume greeting my new teammates and my captain. I can't get that guy out of my head though.

Bucks pov:

Before I could walk any further, the alarm went off. Great. We arrived on the call where a man had landed on an air pressure thing. "Chim run an IV line for some morphine and Eddie, get him some oxygen"
"It won't go in, it's like trying to inject a rock"
"His body is rejecting oxygen" Eddie said in his manly tone.
I just stood there useless.
"We need to remove the pressure from his body" hen said while reaching for the 14 gauge needle.
"Buck I need you to relieve the pressure"
I began to open the man's shirt and work on him.
"Go lower"
"No, your supposed to do it here."
"The chest wall is thinner down there and has less chance of damaging any organs" Eddie said with a straight face
"Do it" cap made me hand Eddie the needle.
I stood there, useless again. The air began coming out of his body when Eddie inserted the needle. I walked back to the ambulance preparing it for him. While I was pulling the gurney in Eddie shot me a look. I didn't look back before I gave them the gurney and began to walk to the truck.

3rd person pov ••

"Alright let's get moving!" Cap yelled to everyone.
They all arrived back at the station to eat and just as they sat down getting ready to eat dinner, the bell rang. As usual.

I know this is a short chapter but I ran out of ideas to make Eddie and Buck seem 'in love'
Writing the next chapter soon!

&quot;I love you Evan&quot;  (a Buck and Eddie fan fic!)Where stories live. Discover now