Chapter 2: Luna

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Exillium Campus, Friday, 1300

Ever since the infamous Tam Song had left with his Hydrokinetic friend I had become the new 'Shade'. Y' know, the one everyone's afraid to mess with. Until today.

I was enjoying my lunch, gossiping about the latest drama with my best friend Hazel, when the coaches decided to call another 'meeting'. They had been selecting people to be taken with a councillor for some sort of 'experiment'. Basically they temporarily lift their banishment and send them to a school where they have to interact with the posh kids and be all nice to them. If they succeed, their allowed to stay there. If not, then you just go back to your everyday life. Simple.

So the coaches called a meeting and invited the councillor on the stage (which was a bunch of logs pushed together). He looked as if he was older then time itself with his pointy ears. In fact, he could probably kill someone with them.

Anyway, after his long, boring speech about 'how lucky we are to be given this opportunity' and 'we should be entirely grateful' which I couldn't give a shit about, Coach Rohana brought out a humongous bowl with hundreds of little bits of paper. It looked like it was straight out of the Hunger Games (human movie. surprise surprise, my dad loved humans, so I'd never stop hearing about their cool 'culture' or whatever).

So Bronte (or Effie, however you'd like to imagine it) reached in to the bowl and selected one of our names and walked back to the centre of the stage. Looking around at the faces of all the hopeful kids, I realise that some of these outcasts would actually have a loving home to return to. Personally, I wish it to be me. But not for that reason, for I have ulterior motives.

"Ahem," Bronte called out to the sea of lost cases. "The recipient of this wonderful opportunity is," A pause for dramatic effect, "Iris Waters!"

A wave of silence passed over all of the students. Iris Waters hadn't come back for at least two weeks. Everyone had already guessed what had happened to her. Coach Rohana walked over to Bronte and whispered in his left pointy ear. Even from the back I could see the colour draining from his face.

"Well then, I, er, will pick again." He finally spoke, once the initial wave of shock passed. He reached his hand into the bowl once more a pulled out the first piece of paper he touched, clearly wanting to get this over and done with.

"Now, er, the real recipient of this opportunity is," he cleared his throat. "Lunetta Griffin."

I swear everyone in the vicinity looked directly at me and all I could think about was how he called me Lunetta. That name was supposed to be forgotten, dead, left in the past. Along with the girl who carried that name.

And before I could stop myself, my dead ass yelled "Name's Luna. Never call me by that name."

Needless to say, Bronte was taken aback by my voice. Did he think we were all mute or something? He recovered from his state of shock, glancing so quickly to his left at Rohana, before gesturing for me to come up to the makeshift 'stage'. Huh, I wonder what's going on between those two.

The now devestated prodigies cleared a path for me, their expressions ranging from scared, angry and sad. I don't blame them. To have your only chance of an actual life whisked away from you and given to a stranger must deeply upset them. Oh well, I can't change it.

Once I climbed up to the stage Bronte started his ending speech. I didn't really pay attention, I was too busy lost in my mind. Before I even knew it, Bronte had finished and had asked for my hand. I reluctantly put my hand in his, grimacing. He pulled out the fanciest pathfinder I had ever seen, which to be fair, was only one other.

A bright light shined directly into my eyes and stab of pain flared in my head as Bronte whisked us away, and all I could think about was how bad that hurt and why it did.

Oh well, worry about that later, for now I was off into the unknown...

We liking Luna? Hopefully cause she plays a big part in this story...

QOTC: What's your biggest fear?

Mine's Trypanophobia, which is the fear of needles.

Okay bye!


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