
70 1 0

Maywreath, Wednesday, 2100

"Do you think it will work?" the man said, cutting through the silence that had formed around the room.

"I hope." A new voice joined in, female this time. "Sophie said she was the key to our survival."

The man chuckled. "Well, I guess we just have to trust her."

"Like always." The woman moved closer to the body on the table, then grabbed the serum she was trusted with to inject into 'Project Nyx'. She and her partner had no idea what Sophie had been working on, they only knew that they could tell no one, and in a few hours someone would come to wipe their minds of this memory.

"Are you sure about this?" her partner asked, his voice slightly shaky.

"We don't have a choice." She responded, a little harshly. "Don't you trust Sophie?"

"Of course I do!" he exclaimed. "But... I don't know if Sophie knows what she's doing."

"Well, her project's our only hope of peace, so it's either trust her and live, or not and die." She paused, putting the needle into position. "And I don't know about you, but personably, I chose to live." And with that, she injected the serum into Project Nyx, deciding the fate of all the intelligent species, whether it be good or bad.

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