Ch 8: An unrecognizable place

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< {Uriel p.o.v} >

Flying quickly, the castle where that crimson angel lived was now out of sight. I have never flown this fast in a long time, but this time it was to escape and travel. I'm traveling to a place i haven't returned to in a long time.

"...Eden..." I need power, I cannot defeat her, nor do I even stand a chance.

After flying for hours, I arrived at the gates of Eden, it looked a little more worn down then when I was guarding it. As I suspected, nobody was watching the garden. Opening the gates, the garden looked rotten, corrupt and destroyed.

"How long have the garden been overlooked...?" The entire place was unrecognizable from my time.

Looking through the garden, it was filled with dead plants, destroyed and some kind of dark energy is leaking out of the structures. Walking down the walkway of the garden, the floor was destroyed, having cracks all over it. But this wasn't the worst thing I was going to see.

"What in the names of creation..." Standing before me, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge.

Both of them were damaged, wilting and slowly dying. The trees only had a couple of fruits left on them. Truly nobody has been taking care of them at all, even though these are the most prized things in existence.

The fruits are about to die, well, at least I can put them to use. Walking up to the trees, there were nothing stopping me, no barrier, no guards, no nothing. It was just a straight and easy walk.

"Well, this is disappointing" It was the only thing I could say, the place was filled with nothing but disappointment.

Now that I was standing before the great trees, it was not the magnificent sight as it used to be. Reaching the fruits of the trees. Most of the fruits were rotten, there were only a couple that was still in good shape. Picking up the best-looking ones I decided to not eat them yet, I will go look inside heaven first.

"How long has it been...?" Putting the fruits inside a dimensional pocket, I walked along the trails, I could see the gate to heaven.

"Hopefully nothing too bad has happen" Opening the gate my eyes were immediately struck with the godly bright light.

Walking through the gate, I was met with the white city of heaven, but something was clearly different, the buildings looked much more worn down, there were no music, and the angels had a somewhat bored expression on them. The feeling had changed a lot. It had been worn down and looked way different from my memories.

"What had happened...?" As I was looking at the unrecognizable heaven, I heard someone calling me from behind.

"Hey you there!" Looking behind me, I saw a young lady.

She looked very young for being an angel, probably has been in heaven for only a couple years or so.

"Umm, are you talking to me?" Pointing at myself she nodded.

"Yes! Why are you walking here?! Y'know this is my territory, right?" Territory, there is no such thing as an angel's territory in heaven.

"I... don't think I get what you're saying..." I did not understand, there is no such thing as one's territory, heaven is supposed to be a free place, even if it is limited and boring.

"Are you joking with me! You think you're funny acting dumb!?" Her sudden anger surprised me, the old heaven would have never allowed such behavior, had heaven fallen this far?

"No, that is not what I was try-" Trying to calm her down, I was only cut off.

"You think I'm dumb, and why are you talking back to me!?" I see, she's quite the arrogant person, huh.

Bringing out a baseball and pointed it at me.

"Uhh, going straight to violence, I don't even know who you are" That only seemed to annoy her even more.

"You don't even know who I am?! I am Aia Amara, angel of heaven and the one holding this territory!" Introducing herself, she began charging at me.

She was quite slow, but for normal angel status she was quite quick, though nothing compared to what I had experienced. Grabbing the baseball bat, she looked surprised, but i didn't think about it and neck chopped her unconscious.

"You shouldn't mindlessly charge into unknown danger..." Grabbing her, i layer her down against the wall of the gate.

It was quite chilling and cold, so I created a blanket over her and walked away. Watching the worn-down buildings was an unsettling sight, I never thought I would see it at such a state. After watching and looking around the city for a while, I decided to head to the heavenly palace to see if my siblings are ok. It wasn't a long walk since the palace isn't that far from the gates. Hopefully they are ok, I'm unsure what their punishment is, but hopefully nothing too bad.

Soon after some walking, I saw the palace, though unlike what I thought it would look, it was actually in great shape. It looked new, like it was just recently built a couple of days ago. Outside the Palace there were no guards which is weird, for such place it should be heavily guarded, yet nobody is protecting it, why's that? Though this might had been answered when my ears picked up something.

"Have you heard?"

I turned around to see two angels flying to the northern parts of heaven.

"Heard what?"

They're conversation didn't pick up my interest until...

"That the old archangels had been put inside the colosseum as their new punishment"

My mind quickly caught that as soon as it popped up.

"What really!?"

"Wanna go watch them?"

"Uhh, Sure"

They started flying away to north. This was unexpected, such activities should not be allowed in heaven, and what do they mean the old archangels? Has it been declared new archangels? But how though?

Though I didn't have time to care anymore as the angels were leaving so I needed to follow them quick. Spreading my wings, i began following them.

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