• Perfect Storm • | 4 |

Start from the beginning


-Are you close to making your decision?

Oh my god!! What do I say? I'm pretty sure he's tired of waiting by now. Plus I've kind of, sort of been avoiding him at the bar. Turns out he's a regular and he's donated a lot towards the club itself.

I could really use his help. I can't keep living in this hotel. I was going to look for more jobs but I don't know if my mental health can take another job.

            Would I be able to leave if I wanted to?-

-Of course. There would be a process but I'm not forcing anything on you, Bellissima.

He emails me back mere seconds after I reply to his email. What could possibly go wrong? He's permitted me to end the whole thing if I ever were to choose that path so why not?


I think for a few moments before making my final answer.

             Okay, I'll do it.-
              What now?-

-Come to my penthouse. I'll send you the address. We'll talk more about the contract when you get here."

              On my way.-

I can't believe I'm doing this!!

Since today is Saturday I don't have to work at the cafe, and I chose to stay home from Havana. I swing my legs off of my bed and walk to my bathroom to pee before I get dressed. It's only 4:30 so it's super early. I walk over to my closet and pick something to wear. What should I wear? Is this a more casual meeting or is it a leather and lace type of party?

"Ugh, he didn't think to tell me that much?"

Guess I'll be going off of what I want to wear. Let's see.

I pick out a white long sleeve satin dress with a white bag and heels to match. Once I'm done I put my hair in a messy ponytail and leave the hotel room and head to the address that I was given.

Once I get there about 10 minutes later I knock on his door. Ok, now I'm getting nervous. Maybe I shouldn't have come."I'll just email him and say I can't do it." I turn to leave but as I do his door opens and I freeze.

I turn around slowly and my eyes go big and my jaw drops."Oh my god." I mumble but apparently, he heard since the smirk on his face grows.

"Hello, Bellissima." I can't even form words at the moment. Lord have mercy, this man is the literal definition of sex on legs. His black suit shirt is unbuttoned and his tie is hung loosely on his shoulders. He reaches out and lifts my chin gently and closes my mouth.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he says in a low seductive voice."Is that really an option?" I say because I will in fact take 1000 pictures if that was an option. He chuckles deeply and looks down at the floor.

"You look beautiful, e presto sarai mia." I'm sorry but that was possibly the hottest thing to ever grace my ears. (Google Translation: And soon you'll be mine.)

"Huh?" It was hot but I don't know what he said still. I never learned any foreign languages because I never needed to talk to people. Guess I was wrong, huh?

"Follow me." He disregards my question and walks into the penthouse where I finally notice how beautiful it is. It's super masculine but it's a very modern-styled penthouse the walls were dark along with most of the furniture. There were a lot of windows as well.

Im sure the view is amazing at night. I follow Lewis into what looks like a home office and guess what the color scheme is.

"Okay, we're gonna go over a few things and sign the contract, okay?" I nod and he pulls out a file folder opening it up."Did you look up the things you didn't know on the list?" To be honest I gave up on half of those things.

"Um, y..yea. Most of t..them." I stutter and he looks up at me through his eyelashes."What didn't you look up?"

I think for a minute. This is going to be so awkward."U..um, what's a buttplug?" I feel like this is a dumb question but he told me to ask. He smirks and loops his fingers and puts his elbows on the table."What does it sound like?" I nod slowly in understanding. I mean it doesn't sound horrible but why, is my question?

"What else?" I look at my lap and play with my fingers. He tilts my head back up with his finger."Look at me."

"What would use tape for?" I mumble in a softer voice than usual. I see a lustful look in his eyes as if he was picturing it. He leans forward so he's only a few inches away from me."It's used to tie you down while I do what I please with you." He whispers against my lips causing me to close my eyes and lean in. But as our lips graze he backs away and goes back to the paper.

I sit back in the chair and put my hands on my lap. Fuck me."Alright, I assume you looked me up like I told you to?" He questions and I scoff."Yea, but I did it because I was curious. Not because you told me to." I grin and move my foot to touch his thigh under the desk. He swiftly grabs my ankle and pulls me closer to him, as far as the table would let me go.

"Don't tempt me, bambina." He says, teasingly rubbing my ankle. I blush and take my leg down, but he stops me and puts my leg in between his thighs."I need you to make a safe word. Something you'll remember. If things ever become too much for you, you say this word no matter what. I will stop immediately." His tone is more serious as he explains safewords to me.

What should I choose? Should it be red? No, I feel like that's too basic. Maybe..."Pixie?" This is becoming more and more real. No backing out now Astoria, you need this.

We go over things about the checklist, living situation, and the contract for what feels like hours. It's only been 35 minutes. As he wraps up the long ass explanation of everything he hands me the contract."This is just so we both know the rules and everything." He looks at me with a serious face but I can still see a hint of hope in his eyes.

I've already made my choice but I'm reading over it and stalling for suspense. You know, make him squirm a bit."Um,"

"Stop stalling, Astoria." He groans causing a wave to form where the sun won't shine. Instead of saying anything I just write my signature in all the required spots and hand him the paper. Why does this feel like the scene in Princess and the Frog when Prince Naveen signed himself to Dr. Facilier? QUE MUSIC.

When he grabs the paper from me a wave of mischief took over his expression. He put the papers in the file folder and into his drawer, locking it with a set of keys. He stands up and walks over to me, putting his leg in between mine and turning me to face him. He leans down mere inches from me and puts his hand on the back of the chair.

"And so it begins."


Hey loves, as most of yall know, it's finals week and babe I am STRESSING

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Hey loves, as most of yall know, it's finals week and babe I am STRESSING. but yea I'll still try to update as much as I can.


Word Of The Day:

Logolepsy - an obsession with words

Love ya...

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