(The rest of the fan sign event went by without any major issues and finally Avneet went home..... She was feeling exhausted so decided to take a shower n cook to distract her mind....)

The fan accounts.... The fan pages that started when #Sidneet was formed were still intact.... Still supporting both Sid and Neet individually in their professions and wishing them luck... Celebrating their success.... Rooting for their upcoming new projects....

The Knights were more successful now. After the huge success of their album "Make it Right" they came out with few singles and two Christmas songs, one for each year.... Fans have started to believe as if this will be every year's tradition of them to come out with a new Christmas song... Recently a rumor is going rounds stating d group will make an announcement that after releasing singles and Christmas songs after two years they are coming out with a new album with the title: "With YOU"
As per sources of d rumor when asked SN informed them that this album is about how one who is in love feels different emotions in different situations when he/she is with significant other.... Nothing was changed confirmed by The Knights or their agency...

As soon as this news article came out the speculations about SN referring this album with his recent love interest started to go round.... His and his latest single actress Ritika Badiani is rumored to be together and their recent news articles announcing the name of their next album is just doing the fuel in the fire kind of work.... As SN is the only one who is still single in the group.... Also him being the leader who has to be spokesperson most of the time just makes him easy target for such rumors and hard for him to make any friends in the industry.... Though many fans claim that SN never was in any relationship even after things ended in rough way with Avneet.... Fans believe she was, is and will forever be the one ruling his heart...

Fans had their hopes that one day they will meet and talk and might try to get back together at least as friends but that never happened....

Days became weeks..... Weeks turned to months... months into 2 years now and that hope is long gone.... Fans has started to support them individually for their work and success and root for their work instead of rooting for them to be together.... Slowly their hope of having them together in real life or even on screen started to fade away.... They have accepted the fate that if their idols are happy while they stay away from each other then let them be....

These days SN is back again in US for attending Jimmy Kimmel show and Jimmy Fallon show.... Them coming to US amidst of the rumors of them releasing new album the rumors have again spiked about them coming to announce the new album and start the promotion of the album from US...

These days whenever the group is in US they stay at the house they have for themselves in US which is unknown from the media. They have till date managed to divert the media's attention when they leave airport.... With similar cars like them.... Media will always end up following the other car to some hotel as they never thought the group could have a house here in US and that too in LA..!!

As soon as they entered the house everyone went to the living room to sit n relax..... once in there they saw television was ON with the news of SN's rumors about song dedication in new album and SN and Ritika's alleged dating story but on mute..... where as they could hear "You & I" by One Direction in the background)

SN sighs watching that.....)

MK: Heh..... Sid.... We got another movie of your "alleged" dating with ritika.... Get the popcorn guys....

SN: Not funny MK.... (A voice cut them off)

: Let them be Sid..... It's like they will keep on going round n round.... No end to it.... They will never know the truth..... (she said laughing)

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