Assistant Manager's Approval!

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(They all decided to go in two different cars.... Before leaving almost everyone was busy on their phones... Abhi, MK, Rohan, Faisu were busy talking over the phone where as SN was watching the video of their performance on the stage, Lucky was watching some of the arial choreo that he wants to try next time. Avneet was trying to call Jannat but was going busy..... They all reached the parking lot and SN said.....

SN: I, Avneet, dada and MK will go in my car..... you guys go ahead in Rohan's car....

Avneet: Why should I come with you.??

SN: Dada and MK whom you are comfortable with are coming with me.. Genius .!!!

Avneet: You go in different car and take that attitude of yours along with you.!!

SN: Girrll.... That's my car.!!!

Avneet: Oh.! Fine......(she said rolling her eyes.....)

Abhi: I will drive the car.... (In between his chat over the phone....)

MK: I will sit with you in front...... (while disconnecting his call)

SN: You are done early today......!

MK: She will call me later......

Avneet: Oh.!! She.?? You have a girlfriend.??

SN: I told you he is taken.!!!

(Meanwhile Lucky came running towards their car...)

Lucky: Hey guys.... Mind if I tag along.?? Rohan and Faisu have to meet..... I mean have to eat ......... ice cream..... ya..... so they left leaving me alone.!!!!

(SN glared at him where as Avneet just felt it a bit unbelievable excuse, she felt the same when they were going towards the lift.... In the waiting area when faisu got flustered when Avneet was asking him questions before SN intervened......but she shrugged it off....)

SN: Fine... Let's get going...... Bhavesh already left as he has to get few things ready for our new Assistant Manager.!!! (He said eyeing Avneet....)

(MK and Abhi sat in front with Abhi in driving seat, in the back..... SN, Avneet and Lucky were sitting......)
(MK and Abhi again we're on the call where as SN is still watching their video of performance and Lucky the arial act that he wants to add in his next routine......
Avneet sighed and tried calling Jannat again, Now her phone is switched off.... Avneet was not frustrated...)

Avneet: The hell.....??? What the fuck is wrong with this bitch.????

(Letting out her frustration she grabbed all 4 men's attention.....)

Lucky: Gee...!! What's wrong with you.???

Avneet: My best friend...!! She seems to be so busy that first she didn't pick up my calls now she has the audacity to turn off her phone.!!! I am gonna kill this bitch.......

(Hearing this their expressions changed and SN spoke....)

SN: Why don't you join me in watching our performance video....

Avneet: No thanks.... Wait but Lucky if you don't mind.... Can I join you in watching the arial act.??? I do find it fascinating when you do those arial act....

(SN just raised his eyebrow.!!! He was rejected again by Avneet.... Which is very new to him..... but she did got distracted from her best friend's topic which was a relief..... Avneet and Lucky started to watch the videos throughout the ride and they were about reach their mansion...... They were about to turn their car on the road where their mansion is when Bhavesh called SN...)

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