The Interview!

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Avneet's POV

(I reached the location and the news channel's building was a buzz..... Soon I went to the receptionist and informed her about my reason to come so she can guide me to the studio where the interview is supposed to take place.....
As soon as i introduced myself the receptionist checked me from top to bottom.!!! Umm..... Excuse me.!!!! I just sighed as I was expecting this..... but what she said next was a bit unexpected for me....)

Receptionist: You are THAT girl.!!!!

Avneet: I am sorry.!!! I think you are mistaken.!!!

Receptionist: There is no way I am mistaking you.!! You are the one whom SN took on the stage.!!! He sang and dance for you.!!!

(My eyes widened upon this new information but I got hold of my facial expressions and inner turmoil which is killing me cz if nervousness..... I encouraged myself explaining as today I have to be an Authoritative Assistant Manager of The Knights.!!! I can do this.!!!!)

Avneet: Umm... I am sorry but I am getting late.! I need to be at the studio.!!!

(The receptionist clearly wanted to chat more but understanding my request she guided me to the studio but before i leave she said again something that I was not expecting.....)

Receptionist: You and SN really looked good together.!!! Anyways will see you soon.....

(I and SN.!!! WTF.!!! Heck to the No.!!! How in just one night And that too few minutes she can think that us two can look good together.!!!! Gawd.!! Why now.!!!! Ok ok ok.!!!! Need to shake off these stupid thoughts.!!! I shook off the thought of me being paired up with THE LEADER of The Knights.!!! Completely unaware of the things going on the social media and the things that were about to happen which will be rising an immensely popular hashtag.!!!)

(I entered the studio and as I introduced myself ...... I was expecting the same judging eyes from the people around but to my surprise they gave me the look as if they were expecting me.....)

Avneet: Hello Miss...... I am Avneet... Avneet Kaur..... The Assistant Manager of The Knights.!

: Aah.! We were expecting you.! So you know anything about the process or you wanna go through it with me.!!! (She asked genuinely but a man who seemed to be her boss cut his way in between me and her....)

Boss: aahh.! We have the famous girl.!! Didn't knew The Knights were going to introduce their assistant manager like that.!! What a special way to introduce someone.!!! (I could feel the intimidating vibes along with how he wanted his words to manipulate me and make me say something about it.... Ok ok ok..... I have to be tough and calm....)

Avneet: Ahaa..... What a way to put your perspective and words.!!! Have you tried writing.?? You should give it a shot.!! Anyways back to business.... As you are here..... I need the list of questions your interviewer will be asking the members.... (I said putting up a straight face and maintaining eye contact.....)

Boss: Young lady...! I have been taking their interviews since they debuted.... We know each other like family...... So I know exactly what kind of questions we should ask.... Don't worry the list is proofread by me...... You can get some rest.... Don't worry about that....

(I just raised my one eyebrow and forwarded her right hand.....)

Avneet: List...... I. Need. The. List....!!

Boss: I told you......

Avneet: Fine then.... (Bhav was right.!!! Geez can't believe this kinda thing happening just on my first day as their assistant manager.!! Okay.!!! Let's try different way..... I clapped my hands to gain everyone's attention......)

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