Rumor Or Reality?

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(Avneet landed in LA and soon reached her hotel.! On the way she was just wondering how peacefully she is able to walk around with worrying too much as after her appearance at "The Tonight Show" of Jimmy Fallon will be changing everything.! The world will know the face behind the name AK. The world will know AK is Avneet Kaur who worked for The Knights.. The only thing she is hoping is that the world won't bring the scandal that made her take this step!
It was almost night.....
She was making sure all the copies of the book has been packed properly to be taken to the set of  The Tonight Show when she got a call from unknown number.....)

In the evening......

(The group reached LA and were taken to their hotel under high security! They all settled down in their rooms... While everyone was relaxing in their rooms, Siddharth was doing something very important......

It was almost night when....
With the help of a friend he was able to figure out the number he wanted to talk to right now...

After giving it a thought he dialed the number and wished that she picks up the call......)

(Avneet saw an unknown number on her phone calling her.... Usually she sleeps won't pick up the call but she wanted to get amused by the ad people who she thought might be calling so she picked up the call....)

(Siddharth almost gave up as it kept on ringing but she was not picking up the call when suddenly he heard her voice and he sighed in relief........)

OTP conversation of Avneet
OTP conversation of Siddharth

Avneet: Who's this.???

SN: Hello to you too.....

Avneet: The hell.??? You.??? How the hell you got my number..????

SN: Karan bhai....

Avneet: Ain't no way Beera would do that... He hates you.....

SN: Okay stop stop stop.... Geez!!! Why don't we have a cup of coffee and have a small chat... I really wanna talk to you about something very important..

Avneet: And why do you think I would agree on going out with you for a coffee...! Why would I.... After all these years.????

SN: C'mon I won't take much time.... It's really important.... I know you are in LA...

Avneet: The fuck.??? Don't tell me Beera is double crossing me....

SN: You know I have my ways.....

Avneet: Fine..... Send me the address..... Not more than 15 minutes....

SN: Might take few more minutes but as far as you are coming I am ok... We really need to talk.....

Avneet: Bye (she disconnects the call and sighs)
I need some answers from Beera.....

(She dials Berta's number..... )

(On this side Siddharth was glad that she was ready to meet him in person as once he meets her , things will be much clear and he can go back to what he wants in his life..... He searched online and found a cafe nearby..... He noted down the address and texted it to her...... Once done he started to get ready so he can be there on time )

By Avneet's side....



Beera: Uffffff...... Chill Chhoti....... My ear.......

Avneet: Chill.???? After what you did.... You think I would be in a state to chill.??? Really Beera.???? You.??? Why would you do that.???

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