Chapter 11 - My Desert Serenade

Start from the beginning

Mary Ann giggled. "Just have fun tomorrow, okay? I'm pretty jealous, you know. I've always wanted to see a leopard in person."

"You wanna take my place?" I asked, hopeful. "You and Elvis have to kiss later, anyway, since your character is his character's love interest."

"And that's exactly why I can't. I'm supposed to be a princess in that world. It wouldn't make sense for me to be in the fake movie in the movie."

Drat. She had a point. "Right."

"Just enjoy it, okay?"

She took back up her book and started reading it again. I continued to sit there hugging the pillow. There really was no backing out of this. I would have to kiss Elvis. It was so irritating that I couldn't get over that. I was normally a level-headed person, but that man was making me the total opposite. It grated on my nerves. Only one man had done that before, and I hated how Elvis was doing it to me now. Why couldn't I just get this story without the time traveling? That would've made things a lot easier.

~ ~ ~

If only I could listen to my music. The most I could do was sing to myself as I traveled to the studio, thankfully in my rented car that I was finally able to drive, and the one that magically turned into a 60s car. I couldn't jam out to BTS with this radio system. Those guys weren't even thought of yet. Heck, neither was I. Not for another thirty years.

How insane that was.

I arrived at the studio and parked, but I didn't get out of the car. I sat there staring at the back tan wall of the outside of the building. Again, I just wanted to turn around and go the other direction. But Gene was counting on me. I had to be on the set in an hour, and it would take that long for me to get in there and get ready for the scene.

"Kissing Elvis... there's going to be a real leopard..."

I have to do it. Just get over with. Tomorrow will eventually come.

I got out of the car and made it into the building as my heart pounded. It was hopeful thinking, but maybe this could be another instance where Elvis and I get close and it would appear that we were kissing. But from what I heard, it was an actual kiss. Why was this a bigger deal than Alan kissing me?

Because I didn't have unwanted feelings for Alan, and Alan was a jerk.

Thankfully, as I walked through the halls, the people I passed and greeted wasn't Elvis. I made it to the costume room and looked for my outfit. Mine was labelled since they knew my size and what I should be wearing for the scene. If only they thought about labeling the outfits before. I took the outfit and went on to my dressing room. It was exciting, having my own dressing room for this scene. I was the only female in the scene, so I got to have special privileges.

The room wasn't big, just a vanity mirror and small sofa in the room. The stylist was already there, hair products and makeup ready. I wasn't going to be in a fancy outfit this time, just a long-sleeve beige shirt with an embellished dip at the chest and a floor-length gold skirt with a sheer material over it. It was actually pretty cute. Very bohemian. My stylist had me change into it before she got to work.

About forty-five minutes passed, and I looked at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair was down and waving, and I had on bright blue eye shadow with black liner. Well, now that looked dated. Who was I supposed to be in this movie-within-a-movie, anyway? Probably just the daughter of some political figure or something who got kidnapped.

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