To Have and To Hold

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"(Y/N), it is time to get up," you heard Freya whisper over you. You opened your eyes to find her sitting at your side with a breakfast plate in hand. "It's the day."
You rubbed your eyes, sat up, and sighed. The dress from across the bedroom sat all alone in its corner.
"I am terrified," you confessed. She smiled and held your hand.
"It's ok. Once you get there and see him, you'll wonder why you ever worried in the first place." Freya said. You nodded and shuffled out of bed.
"You always know how to make me feel better, dear Freya," you said. Her finger lifted and pointed to your dress.
"Well? Come on, let's see how it looks on you!" she exclaimed. You ate what she brought you for breakfast before trying on your dress for the first time.

You stared at yourself in the mirror as if you were in a trance. The burgundy fabric hugged and flowed in all the perfect places.
"I look like..." you started, but couldn't finish. You needed to find the right word.
"A princess? A bride?" Freya chimed in. She sat dutifully behind you braiding your hair into one long braid.
"A princess bride," you dinged.
"That's more like it," she responded. She patted your lower back and stood up. Embracing your arms, she looked into the mirror with you.
"Are you ready to get married now, (Y/N)?" she asked. A happy little tear tried to form in your eye, but you forced it away.
"Yes," you stated.

As planned, Kratos arrived at the ceremony location first. He wanted to give you time to calm your nerves and get dressed up. Atreus and Mímir should be there too. Freya would accompany you to the sacred circle, as well as officiate the ceremony. You and Kratos both agreed that such a close friend and talented seeress should be the one to bring you together. She was so honored when you asked her to officiate, and now, that time was closer than ever before.

Your heart pounded with excitement, flowers in hand as you followed Freya to the circle. It wasn't long before you found Kratos and the boys sitting on the ground in front of you. He had put on his treasured Runic armor for the occasion. You wanted to fall into his arms, but knew you had to keep it together. You knelt down next to him and smiled softly.
"Hi," you squeaked.
"Hello, (Y/N)," he replied, a smile spreading on his lips. Freya sat with you all and arranged her book and magic supplies. She looked both of you in the eyes.
"Are we ready?" she questioned one last time.
"Yes we are," you and Kratos both said.

For several minutes, the forest was silent as Freya recited ancient texts asking for the blessings of spirits of your marriage. Atreus and Mímir watched enthusiastically from the edge of the sacred circle. While Freya read, Kratos leaned over and whispered to you.
"I love your dress," he murmured. You blushed at his compliment.
"I love your armor," you said. He smirked and turned back to face Freya.
"I ask now that these spirits witness the binding of these two souls," she said. She looked over at Atreus, who handed her the cord that could fasten you and Kratos's right hands together. You both held them out. Freya began to tie the knot together, and rather instantly, your hands were bound together. It was complete.
"Kratos, (Y/N), you are officially husband and wife!" she excitedly claimed.
You turned to Kratos, who then took your face in his hands and kissed your lips with passion. You giggled and embraced him.
"I love you," you stated.
"I love you too," he replied.
"I know there's just been a handfasting and all, but quit with the sappy crap and get to your next destination," Mímir blurted out. Everyone laughed at his statement; he was right though. You and Kratos made plans to stay at a restored cabin across the fjord. After all, you both deserved a honeymoon trip.
"I have things packed already," he said. "We can go on ahead and start from here." You nodded and turned back to meet Freya, Atreus, and Mímir. You brought them in for a group hug.
"Thank you everybody," you said, tearing up. "This wouldn't be possible without you." Freya took your hand. "It was an honor, sweetheart. Now, go and enjoy your marriage," she said, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. You put a hand on Atreus's shoulder.
"Take good care of the home for us while we are away, will you? " you asked Atreus. He beamed his adorable smile.
"I promise to," he said.
"Mímir, keep him in line," you joked.
"As you say, missus," he replied. You laughed and waved goodbye to everyone as you and Kratos started to make your way to your honeymoon destination. He successfully untied the knot so that you  two could resume your tasks. When you made it deep into the woods, he stopped and lifted you up. He kissed you for a long while before putting you down.
"You complete me, my love," he muttered. The tears you were holding back the entire ceremony escaped and streamed down your face.
"And you complete me, Kratos," you whispered, cupping his cheek into your hand. He wiped away your joyful tears. Suddenly, he lifted you over his shoulder and began to literally pack you.
"Ah! Hey, what are you doing?" you giggled. He stomped through a grove of brush.
"I will not allow my wife to ruin the dress she worked so hard on by making her walk through the wilderness," he grunted.
"Oh now, you can't pack me all the way to the cabin," you snickered. You felt him smile underneath you.
"Let us find out then how far I can carry you," he rebutted. You kissed his temple before slumping back over his shoulder.
This was a match made in heaven.

AN: Congrats! You are now Mrs. Of War! Next chapter will be about the honeymoon - MAJOR smut warning ;)
Also, we are almost at 1,000 reads. I'm absolutely astonished. This was supposed to be a one chapter smut fueled by a boredom rush at 9:47 p.m. But I am so glad I kept this up. Fanfiction really is a fun thing to write, and I love this grumpy old greek man. And don't worry, you and Kratos kept the handfasting cord to save and cherish. Take Care!

xx Strawberry Perc

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