Chapter - 1

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When something bothers you it helps to write about it. I had been thinking about the original SCK amnesia plot. I know that they changes writers but it just bothered me so much. Everyone was so out of character. Serkan was a huge jerk, he wasn't his logic loving self. This is the man that requires proof to believe and he's just going to believe Selin? Pfft - no

Then there's Engin and his half-hearted attempts to get Serkan to believe Eda. Pyril jumping ship and running back to Selin after she had become very close to Eda and Aydan, the biggest disappointment of all. You are a mother to Eda and you don't tell her that Serkan is alive? You let Selin dictate his life? C'mon, since when? 

This will be shorter than some of my other ones (I think) but I needed to get it out of my head. I hope you enjoy. Please let me know your thoughts!

Even Eda, she's strong and then she's not and then she does a fake engagement? 

p.s. you will not see Deniz 


"Doctor? The coma patient in bed two seems to be showing signs that he is regaining consciousness. The past several times that I have been in to do his vitals there been more movement in his extremities as well as eye movements."

The doctor looked up from the chart. The patient had been brought in six weeks ago by fishermen, found floating near some debris. He had no identification on him and the authorities had not recovered any significant pieces of to identify what he was in that wrecked. He was wearing a tuxedo under the floatation device so they assumed that he may have been at a party on a boat and had an accident.

They had done surgery to repair the damage to his body, his lingering nerve and tendon damage to his hands would require therapy but all other injuries had healed. His only identification was a ring on his right ring finger with the name 'Eda Yildiz' inscribed in it.

"Let me know as soon as he does wake up. We'll be able to do a better assessment then."

In Istanbul Eda Yildiz pulled up to the ArtLife office in Serkan's black BMW. She had accepted the award for the ecological hotel design that they created for Fikret bey months ago. The project wasn't completed yet, but Fikret bey wanted to submit the innovative design for the Green Architectural Awards with Eda and Serkan as co-designers. It was bittersweet for Eda, this was the first project that she worked on with Serkan and it meant so much to the both of them. Fikret bey wanted to do it to honor Serkan.

They had been searching for him for weeks. There had been no sign of the plane and no report of a downed plane by either the Italian or Turkish government. Eda and Aydan had been in daily contact with the agencies looking for any scrap of information. Sometimes it was just the two of them meeting, sometimes Engin or Ferit came along. Eda was at her wits end. Aydan had been so supportive of her, more supportive than her aunt. Hala wanted Eda to give up the search and move on, they were barely speaking these days other than through Melo.

Eda had moved to the apartment that she shared with Serkan permanently. It was where she felt the closest to him. Here no one would see her break down at the end of every day or hear the  nightmares she had every night as she dreamed of him. This was life's cruel cosmic joke on her. First it stole her parents from her, now it stole Serkan from her. The only difference was that she just knew that Serkan was alive, she felt it in her bones. She just had to find him.

Aydan and Seyfi went to ArtLife every day. Aydan went to the office so she could feel close to Serkan but so she could be close to Eda. Aydan and Eda were as close as mother and daughter now both deriving strength from other. Aydan spent time with Engin and Pyril too, they were like family and she needed them all so much. 

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