"Vulgar", Denji asks and Kokushibo shakes his head slightly.

"Not to offend you just saying", Kokushibo says and Makima walks closer and sits on the bench behind them.

"So Kokushibo can you give me a briefing on how well you are doing", Makima asks crossing her legs and the view changes to her back.

"We patrolled around the area and Power... sensed blood so it made her giddy then I caught her and we went to investigate the area", Kokushibo says and Makima leans forward a bit and more of her "back" is shown to the audience.

[A/N: just so you know whenever I mean camera or shown to the audience I mean view so the story could be better than normal stories of mine]

"Please continue", Makima asks as she looks deep within the middle set of Kokushibo's eyes.

"We saw what it was and I went to go leave but Power jumped to attack so... I followed to try and get her not to attack by putting her on my shoulder", Kokushibo says and Makima leans back and switches leg position as the camera changes to watch from Denji's view.

The view changes to Kokushibo's face or rather the right side then to a whole view of the group.

"So did Power kill the sea cucumber devil", Makima asks putting interlocked fingers under her chin.

"I killed it I'm self defense since it was attacking me and Power", Kokushibo says putting his thumb on the hilt of his blade.

"Well then", Makima says getting Power's attention. "Power I know what happens when you sense or even smell blood but you are going to have to suppress that feeling".

"Y-yes Miss. Makima I will", Power says and it confuses Kokushibo.

Later about 5 minutes the trio are around some vending machines as Power is pressed against the glass in wonder.

"Eye guy open this", Power says to Kokushibo as he was staring at the same machine.

"I wont", Kokushibo says turning away and spotting a black cat.

Denji in the corner is drinking from a tin can in relief.

"Wow just drinking from one of these is a dream come true", Denji says making the experienced demon chuckle.

"Yeah but I wonder... how do you get that", Kokushibo says slowly unsheathing his blade to cut the contraption.

Denji walks over and pulls out a hundred yen/¥ from his pocket.

Denji inserts the yen as the machine processes it and a can of green liquid drops out of the shelf and Kokushibo grabs it.

"Hm a strange thing... indeed", Kokushibo says before slicing open the top of the can to drink it's contents.

[A/N: Since Muzan could process human food I don't see why Kokushibo couldn't do the same]

Kokushibo drinks the liquid and Power pounces on the demon.

"Give me thy drink for I am thirsty", Power says as Kokushibo steadily holds her with one arm as he looks unamused.

His arm was resting below her thigh as his hand softly gripped it to make sure she won't fall but... he dropped her. On purpose.

Kokushibo goes through his pockets finding 100¥ and handing it to Power.

"Here take it", Kokushibo says and Power jumps up and grabs it before using it on the machine in the same way that Denji did.

Kokushibo sighs and Power begins to speak again after taking a sip of the drink and grabbing a cat.

"I don't like humans, but it is a simple reflex or instinct that I have", Power says getting Kokushibo's attention.

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