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The week after we got back from Shintaro was relatively quiet, at least by the standards of the past few months. Walking into the noodle shop after returning home was a welcome relief from the insanity of the time away.

I stepped in early in the morning to begin opening and immediately spotted Skylor prepping the register.

"So? How did it go?" She asked, a smirk dancing on her lips.

I sat my bag down behind the counter and grabbed an apron. "It was an enlightening experience," I joked.

"Seriously, what happened? Anything between you and you-know-who?" She elbowed me in the rib playfully.

"It's complicated. But..." I hesitated before continuing. "Skylor, I have to tell you something."

She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to a back table, "We have plenty of time before we open. Spill everything."

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

"Good news, of course!"

"Okay, good news. Well, I'm officially a ninja."

Skylor gasped, "My baby sister all grown up and a ninja!" She exclaimed, "I'm so proud of you!"

I smiled, relieved to know she wasn't upset that she wasn't chosen to join the team.

"But what about the bad news?" She questioned, changing tones abruptly.

"I suffered multiple severe injuries..." I trailed off.

Skylor's expression suddenly turned serious, "Celine, what happened?"

My gaze dropped to my hands as I picked at my callouses, "I, uh... was, um... s*xually assaulted."

"Oh my gosh, Celine!" Skylor stood up, walked around the table, and gave me a hug from behind. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

"Skylor, so much has changed," my voice was beginning to break. "I-I mean, I can handle this, but I'm having a hard time with physical touch, and being out in the city, I'm afraid to turn my back on anyone. I have nightmares, Skylor. Terrible nightmares. Anything Clouse did to me during the tournament pales in comparison to this."

"Who was it?" She asked softly.

"The Skull Sorcerer, King Vangelis," I choked.

"Oh Celine I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have pushed you to go if I knew."

"It's okay. But that wasn't the only thing..."

"What else?" Skylor returned to her chair, resting her head on her hands, listening intently.

"I... I finally let myself admit that I have feelings for Cole but... I don't think he returns them."

"What? Celine, I've seen him look at you. I don't know what you're talking about," Skylor protested.

"Skylor, you have no idea. In the kingdom, there's this princess, and she kept, like, flirting with him. And he just went along with it. Once or twice he said something that made me think maybe I'd have a chance, but then she would make a move and he wouldn't resist it." Warm tears dripped out of my eyes and onto the table.

Skylor reached out and took my hands, "Oh Celine. I'm so sorry."

"I can't even begin to describe the pain I've been through these past few weeks. I wake up every day with this heaviness in my chest. Like I'll never be good enough."

"Celine, I love you like a sister, and I'm going to say this because I care about you. If Cole can't see you for who you are, and he doesn't love you for who you are, he's not worth it. It's not worth changing yourself for a boy. I promise."

Master of the Mountain (Cole x oc)Where stories live. Discover now