Masters Never Quit

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"Guys, somethings wrong."

"What are you talkin' about?" Plundar questioned. "The worst is behind us."

"No, it's literally behind us. I can feel it," I insisted.

"Cole sealed off the cave, remember?" Vania answered.

"I'm being serious. I can feel the earth shaking. It's coming after us."

"Stop being such a downer," Vania shot back.

"Fine." I shut myself up, but continued to sense the tremors in the ground.

Not long later, I could swear I felt it warm up in the cave. The vibrations were becoming stronger.

"It's getting worse."

"What are you talking about?" Cole asked.

"Don't you feel it? That monster is coming back. I can feel the heat of the lava. Don't you sense the earth shaking?"

"Now that you mention it, it does seem warmer than a few minutes ago," Fungus began.

Cole stopped and pressed his hands to the ground, "She's right."

"Well, then, let's pick up the pace," Plundar remarked, and began jogging. No sooner had we picked up speed, than the tunnel started to glow with orange light.

"It is behind us!" Cole yelled.

We tore through the tunnels, anxious to put distance between ourselves and the monster. The monster grew closer and closer until it was close enough to launch lava balls at us again.

"I thought we lost this thing!" Plundar cried.

"Plundar think wrong," Korgran returned.

"No more thinking, just run!" Cole screamed.

We barreled through the caves, searching for something, anything, to help our situation. We stumbled upon two mine carts on a track.

Without hesitation, Cole stated, "Everyone, into the carts."

Vania, Wu, Plundar, and I hopped into the front cart with Fungus and Adam in the one behind.

"Are you sure these still work?" Vania protested.

"I am forced to agree with the princess," Wu added, "this looks rather old."

"Trust me, it'll work. Korgran, gimmie a hand!" Cole shouted. Korgran and Cole pushed the carts to a breaker and jumped in themselves, Cole in the front and Korgran in the back.

"Time to go, all aboard!" Plundar called out over the shrieks of the creature as it hurdled towards us. Cole kicked at the breaker, sending the carts flying down the tracks with all of us screaming.

We flew down the tracks, taking corners almost too fast.

"I told you it would work! Whoo! Now that's what I call a good idea!" Cole exclaimed in triumph. I had to admit, it was almost fun tearing through the mines at break-neck speeds. The tracks bumped up and down, throwing us all around the carts.

"We're going too fast!" Vania shrieked.

"Hold on!" Wu yelled.

The tracks took a deep dive before launching back up again almost immediately as we entered another cavern filled with lava. As we swung around a sharp turn, the cart began to roll off the track.

"On the other side! Quick!" Cole shouted. We quickly shifted to the opposite side of the cart, throwing it back onto the track.

"What kind of person would build a track like this?" Cole wailed.

Master of the Mountain (Cole x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon