The day I kinda broke down

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Tristan pov:

It's two in the morning.

The hour that should be illegal to stay awake but here we are.

It's cold and a soft yellow light illuminates the streets. Mr minion is in the driver's seat and the other two stand outside waiting. Idiots a lot of them. Why stay in the cold street when you can have the comfort of a warm car?

Just then two people come into our view, Dawn and the other girl. Who is she? We watch them come closer. They hug and Dawn gets into the car. Dawn waves to the other girl before turning and sitting.

Half of the ride passes quietly. It's not unpleasant, more like calming.

The peaceful ride is spoilt by Josh, who opens his big mouth.


Ah, shit. Now make conversation or it becomes awkward. Before someone messes it up more, Dawn speaks up " What do you do in the company, Josh?" Josh gives a blinding smile.

"Well, Heath, Tristan and I work as security heads. Mr Assistant here works as an assistant. We ensure that the security in every department is uptight you know, leaks and all......."

He goes on and on for about half an hour before everyone goes back to their work. Josh traders the driver's seat with Matthew and I find myself sitting beside Dawn, reading a book. Well, at least someone has a good habit. I read the book title and what a coincidence....!!!!!!!!!


She opens the book to start reading. Well, I was a hundred pages in but it won't hurt to read it again...

Moving closer I start reading with her. duh. what else was I supposed to do?

She notices the shift and looks up and raises a brow. Tilting my head towards the book I nod. She shifts the book towards me and we both continue reading.

Heath pov:

Tristan might think he was a big badass but we all know he is a bigger bookworm. Watching them looking all cosy is not fun.

After a nonverbal talk, they seemed to reach an understanding. Both turn to the book. He puts his hand on her arm.

It feels like I'm intruding on something. Tristan taps his finger on her arm and she turns the page.

Why am I here? Just to suffer?

Turning to Josh in the hope of disturbing him, He gives me a murderous look before looking at the road. It seems like dreamland is the only way to pass the time.

An alarm goes off and I rub my eyes to see.....................

No difference. They were all in the same position. And we've almost reached the airport. Tristan and Dawn had gotten more comfortable, Mr M was working and Josh was driving.

A loud gasp and a choked sob turn our heads towards the duo. Both were looking away from the book. Startled, I turn around to see Dawn looking up with tears in her eyes and my bro Tristan sobbing his eyes out. In alarm, the three of us exchange glances.

"How could they???" sobbed out Tristan. "Out of everyone they could have killed.. How could they kill Newt? My sweet Newt, he went through so much only to end up like this!" He throws his arms around Dawn who just clings back harder. "He didn't deserve this, Tristan, They killed him off" with a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

Honestly these geeks....

"Come on Tristan it's just a book". And out of everything he could say, Josh decided to say this.

"How dare you............?" Ensuring an argument the rest of the way to the airport. Honestly, people don't know when to keep their mouths shut.

Matthew pov:

After the children stopped fighting in the back we picked up our luggage and made our way towards the airport. Settling in for the takeoff, I grip the armrest of my seat. It's ok Matthew. Breathe. The probability of us dying is lower here than that of the land. The worst that can happen is dying slowly.

"Hey, Mr Matthew!" Dawn called out causing me to turn towards her." When is Father's schedule free after we land?"

"Well... He has a meeting at 10 am tomorrow after which he has a lunch meeting at 2 pm. After that, he has to finish paperwork which takes him the whole evening..."

"Nah that's enough" With that, she turns back to her book.

Oh, the plane has already taken off. Cool.

Now this was the vacation I needed. It's been so peaceful.

"Sooo Dawn...." Damn you Josh..

"Yes?" She gazes at Josh with a questioning look.

"How have you been till now?" Valid question but I'd say wrong timing. Why didn't we ask this when we met anyway? Did the manners my mama taught me result in nothing?

"Can't complain you know? Really thought I wouldn't be going back but here I am. Mr Matthew not gonna lie, you all did spoil my plans. Can I ask again if you have any idea why Father called me back?"

Josh's face said I did not expect that but I don't know what else I expected. Mine probably mirrors that look.

"I honestly just think he forgot or tried to forget about the kidnapping. Since young sir and ma'am were found, He has started to remember all the good memories you made together as a family. Your father is a lot more at peace now and is willing to try to be the family you were before."

Dawn stared unblinkingly at me. She continued looking at me as she pondered over what I had said. A slow giggle filled with sorrow and sarcasm rang through the air. I felt the ends of my hair peek up. A glance at the other three showed similar perplexed faces.

With a smile on her face, she replied." What do you mean? Young sir and ma'am? Found? Don't tell me that my twins are here. That they were found. No, they wouldn't do that to me would they Mr Matthew? No way would they leave me here, alone right? Wait. Are my twins ok? Did they get back safely? When were they found? "

Horrified at what I was hearing, I swiftly moved and knelt at in front of her seat. Slowly while she was still asking questions, I pulled her arms into my arms. I could feel her slightly shiver through her sweatshirt. More questions kept flowing from her until I slightly hushed her.

"Your twins are safe. They were found two years ago. What you're father did to you Dawn, is truly appalling." She let out a sob which turned into more. Holding her against me I look up to see the three shake off the shock and turn back to give Dawn an illusion of privacy.

After a few minutes, She gathered herself and lifted her head. With a sad attempt to wipe her eyes with her sleeve, she quietly spoke "Thank you, Mr. Matthew. I appreciate it and will encourage you to keep this tiny breakdown private from your boss."

I look up surprised at that.


With a nod towards each other, we all go back to the now awkward and sad atmosphere, waiting for the plane to land.

My life, one that has been full of stability and joy just aches for this child. The missed accomplishments she never showed off, the festivals she missed and the support she never had, caught in the relentless grip of solitude, longing for a connection that exists only in her memories.

Had I ever thought about it from her perspective, the realization may have come sooner. Finally, I understood what it's like to feel the need to protect. Maybe this is what Mama was always talking about.

It's just different that she was talking about an animal, not a human.


And that's that, everyone!  I really am new to writing so any mistakes... feel free to point them out. Politely.

Thank you all for giving Dawn a try! Truly appreciated! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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