The day my plans crumbled

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Mr Assistant Pov:

Josh, Tristan and Heath were pleased. I went home early that night to get some sleep.

Early mornings are the worst! The four of us stand in front of the jet, ready to board it. After the takeoff, we settle in when,

"Where are we going anyway?"


The three look at each other before looking at me.

Josh sighed "I was tired. A paid vacation sounded good, so I didn't question anything." The other two nodded.

"We are going to get Dawn."

I watch their faces go blank.

"Who is Dawn?"

"Dawn.... little sir and ma'am's sibling. Part of the triplets."

Heath spoke first "So they weren't twins?"

"No... she was sent away at the age of eight to a residential school."

Ray had a look of horror on his face "So you are telling me that they left a small girl in a school with no contact for almost eight years?"

I thought it was weird too. And now that I think about it, wasn't I there when she was sent away? 

"Poor girl. No family in an unfamiliar environment with no one there for her..."

Ok, dude, I get it. Don't make me feel bad...

I take out the file I had of Dawn in my bag. Opening it, I see a photo of a girl with black hair and dark eyes. Hmm...She's 5'6. And she works at a restaurant and a store. Top of her year too. I can't wait to meet her. Will she be like the young sir who likes to read? Or young ma'am who likes to fight and play? Maybe a mix of them both! I'm so excited though. Now I need to pass the time on this long flight.


Why is someone shaking me? I haven't slept well in god knows how long. Why won't they stop?

"Mama, go away"

There was a pause. "uhmm......sir?"


Rubbing my eyes I wake up to see three giants surrounding me looking at me with concern.

"................We were about to land....."

Yup, we will pretend that it never happened.

I hate landing though. 

After some difficult minutes, we all had our foot on the ground making our way to the rented car. Tristan starts to drive with me in the passenger seat and the other two in the back. 

After a few minutes, Tristan speaks up, "Sooo where do I drive?"

Is this guy serious? Without a word, I set up the location for the restaurant. The drive is..... seven hours?!?!

My back and legs are going to kill me later. Anyway, It will be late when we reach there, We should go to meet her tomorrow. I look to see everyone minding their own business... It is going to be a painfully awkward ride.


Tristan POV:

I'm tired. 

My security reflexes wouldn't let me sleep in an unknown place. I hate the world. 

"Troy we are going to that restaurant, come on! Joy- I mean Josh is driving."

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