Start from the beginning

"Shunaaaa-chan we trust you........." People shouted in the audience.

"It's a Win for the small breast like us." Others shout too.

"Like we decided to prepare, we are going to have a contest between our men. 3 days of competion, 8 fighters. We hope you are going to enjoy. Without further ado. Let's start."

The stadium was in a boiling state. People were shouting, someone can't stand in place, the foreigners wanted badly to see if the citizens of these country were worth it.

"A contest huh. It's a nice opportunity. The King seems pretty strong..... We will now discover his followers." The foreigners said.

On the other hand, Tempest citizens were worried. Everybody is aware of "them". They were the most dangerous unity in Tempest. They are just few of them who are known, and their power is only second to the Lord. The citizens were worried about if they have to fight, it will bring huge damage to the area and maybe kill somebody.

"And now the first one to enter he is going to look for the champion title. A mysterious boy who doesn't talk a lot. I call on the stage V-E-N-O-M-" Shuna shouted.

Venom, as usual was acting like he doesn't care at all about what is going on now. And he really doesn't care at all. He is only here because of his Master Diablo. Diablo strictly ordered him to fight with all his might. That is why he is here. Venom is a man who knows his limits. With the evolution of his master, his powers are also strengthened. Despite this, he knows that if he were to face Moss, he would have no chance against him.

"His opponent is not the least. A powerful being with an extraordinary sense. The first descendant of his race, I named Zed." Shuna shouted. But not the audience. On both case, nobody knows this man except 3 persons.

The arena has become silent. The environment has become heavy. A suffocating aura invaded the arena that caused a unpleasant situation. The thing that get out, scared the assemble. It has two large on his forehead. His eyes were sharp, with deep green irises, he gave the impression he could see everything. his form matched that of his race. An exoskeleton remodeled to the taste of the creators. The first ever to be born. Zed the insectar.

Zed finally appear in the center of the audience. Just his presence was enough to know that he is not weak at all. He was quiet and didn't utter a word. He slowly turned his head toward the guest place, and directly look at the higher point. He then kneel and lowered his head.

"So that's how he become huh. I guess Veldora and Zegion really trained him." Rimuru said.

"Kuahaha Rimuru you are speechless right ? You must congratulate us?" Veldora said while appearing from nowhere.

"Fufu Maser-teacher is right Rimuru we did a great job, didn't we ?" Ramiris too appear.

"I concede, you worked really hard . Now let's see if he is worth it." Rimuru-said.

"Believe us, you'll not be disappointed." Veldora said.

The atmosphere was tense the two opponents were on guard but Venom was the most worry actually. Demons, despite loving fights, are some wise being. They judged quickly their opponents strength to know if they can win or at least to put a good and fair fight. But now, for Venom, it was like he was in front of his master. There is no place for fear. His demonic instinct start to came out. For Venom, it's clear, he will win no matter what.

He then decided to charge Zed with serious killing intent. He concentrated on his fist, a black mist and launched his punch toward Zed. On the other hand, Zed too launched a powerful punch. When the two fist collide, it sent a huge a shock wave In the stadium. Venom and Zed started to exchange punch together, their energy was high and their punch was releasing some huge amount of energy.

Venom: [Darkness Magic] - [Abyss Orb]

From his palm, Venom concentrated two dark orb. they were terrifying, because in the crowd people could see lifeless corpses flying around venom.the aim of the attack is to totally drain the opponent's energy. The more energy the opponent has, the more dangerous the attack will be. and in front of him, the adversary an absolutely colossal energy. Venom then decided to launch his attack. He was not a man who look down on the others. But this time, with his body full of adrenaline, he was convinced that his attack was going to be successful.

Reality was far from his expectation. His orb couldn't touch at all Zed. Every time the orb approached him, there was some sort of crack in the space.

Zed: [Spatial Technique] - [Space Warp]

Like Zegion, Zed has mastered the space warp technique. Under Zegion, all descendants underwent furious and intense training. Zegion was not alone, Veldora also trained with them, which resulted in their absurd growth. the crowd was completely stunned by what just happened. An attack that hit on should hit the opponent was canceled as if nothing had happened.

Zed on the other hand was like Zegion, they respect their opponents and they will give their best as a sign of respect. He then started to deploy his techniques.

Zed: [Killing Art Style] - [Atom splitter Fist]

Thousands of hands came out from Zed. All of them were huge and seeing this Venom started to become really worry. In front of the insectars, demons experience became really irrelevant. Insectars body are really resistant to magic. And the main demon's weapons are magic. Zed who is the first descendants of the strongest of his race, he is able to give a fair fight to Venom. Each punch started to hit Venom with a huge strength which cause him to crash against the stadium wall.

"With the opponents out from the stage the Winner is Zed" Shuna said.

The crowd were silent at first and then explode. The fight between the two were splendid. A magnificent display of power. Zed then started to walk towards Venom who still has a hard time to stand up.

"Venom-san it was a magnificent fight thank you for this opportunity" Zed said with honesty.

From the first time in his life, Venom was seeking something. Strength. He doesn't want to be defeated anymore that's what he swore from his heart.

"Thanks to you Zed-san you've awaken something in me" With the help of Zed, Venom was now on his fit and together, they thanks the crowd under torrent of congratulations.

To be continued.....

Next Chapter: Ent 2

A/N: Hello guys I hope you are fine, If you feel like the chapter was short, you are right, I actually got CVD-19 and didn't feel well. But I promise, the next chapter will be much longer. XD

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