The Pynk S4 E1 - Whose Blood Is That?

Start from the beginning

"I wanna make a phone call." I told the guard.

"You'll get your call in a minute. Now move!" The guard pushed me, and I started walking to the next area that had showers.

" Take off your clothes." I looked at the guard and didn't move. "I said take off your clothes now!" He put his hand on his baton and started to move closer to me.

"Okay, Okay!" I said and started to take off my clothes. Everything was so messed up. I was on the verge of having a breakdown. I stepped into the shower and started to clean myself the best I could with what I was given.

"Times up!" The guard cut the shower off and I stepped out and grabbed a towel. I swear it felt like I was only given five minutes to shower.

"Bend over and spread your cheeks." I went into another moment of shock because when he said that I didn't move.

"Inmate are you refusing?!" The guard put his hand back on his baton and moved closer to me again. "You're going to find out that us guards don't like having to ask twice."

I dropped the towel and bent over.

"Lower!" I bent over lower and touched my toes. "Now cough!" I coughed. "Cough again!" I coughed again. "Okay stand up." I stood up and a correctional nurse came over to me.

"Heart rate is good." She said and wrote it down on her note pad. "Breath in." I took a deep breath in. "Breath out." I took a slow breath out. "Lungs sound good." She looked over my whole body. "The inmate has no signs of physical abuse, heart rate is good, and lungs sound good. This inmate is cleared to be taken to his cell."

She left and the guard handed me an orange jumpsuit. I got dressed and he grabbed me by my arm and walked me towards the phone area.

"You have ten minutes."

I quickly went to the phone and dialed LaMarques number. It went to voicemail.

"Fuck." I said and hung up then dialed Woddy's number. It went to voicemail as well. "Shit." I hung up and dialed Big L's number. It also went to voicemail.

"What tha fuck is going on right now?!" I hung up and dialed Andre's number. "Please, please, please pick up." The phone rang three times and then I heard. "Please hold, your call is being connected."

"Andre! Thank God you answered! It's Uncle Clifford. Listen I'm at North Mississippi Correctional Facility. Listen, they think I've been selling drugs."

"Selling drugs?!"

"I was arrested tonight at The Pynk. They raided the club and took me to jail, but I wasn't selling I didn't- "

"Clifford! Shh...stop talking! Don't talk to anyone at all about this or anything, do you understand me? Stay out of trouble and I'll be there first thing in the morning. I'll make sure you get out."

"Okay, Okay, Andre please make sure to find Big L."

"I will. I'll- "

"FIVE MINUTES!" The guard yelled.

"Andre I need you to find Lil Murda." I told him.

"Lil Murda... what does-?"

"Andre please just find him and let him know I said, "Nothing else matters, I just want to be with him... and to please don't do anything crazy."

"Be with him?... Clifford I'll- "

"TWO MINUTES!" The guard yelled.

"I don't have much time left. Andre just get down here as soon as you can and please find Lil Murda...Okay?!." I didn't hear him say anything. "Andre did you hear me?!...Hello?!" I pulled the phone back and looked at it, like that was really going to do something, then put it back to my ear.

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