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"Thanks for tha ride Woddy

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"Thanks for tha ride Woddy. I promise when I get a job. I'ma slide you some gas money." I told Woddy as we both got out tha car.

"Shut up Keyshawn, ain't nobody takin' no gas money from you."

"Niggah you betta, have you seen gas prices lately? It's to tha point it's either gon be gas or insurance, can't afford both." I laughed.

We walked into tha office of Watkins Law Firm.

"Andre!" I called out.

"Back here.." He hollered out. Woddy and I walked to tha back into his office.

"Have a seat please." Woddy and I took a seat, and he pulled out a folder and looked at me.

"So how are you today? He asked me.

"I'm doing good." I told'em.

"Just good, why not great?" He asked.

"I mean, it's just like any otha day, nothin' special."

"Well maybe the news that I have for you today will make it more than just a good day." He opened the folder he pulled out and started looking over paperwork.

"I've gotten more information about your probation. It's just a restraining order that Derrick placed against you, meaning that you must stay away from him. It doesn't say anything about you staying away from the kids but since the kids are in his possession and the restraining order is against you, you must stay away.... for now."

"I thought you said good news Andre." What he was saying didn't sound all that good to me.

"The good news is that as long as you stay away from him and don't get into any trouble with the law, we can get your probation reduced from six months to possibly three months or less." I smiled. That was good news.

"Awww... see that's better I got a smile out of you." He laughed. "I also got the information from Family Court. Derrick has filed for full custody of the kids. Of course, we can fight this but it's going to be challenging."

"And why is that?"

"Because it's going to be your word against his and right now he has the upper hand in winning because of what happened that day. He has the officer, the child protective service lady, and the doctor's reports from the hospital."

I was literally about to cry.

"So, what does she have that will help or work in her favor?" Woddy asked.

"Although everything he did was the perfect set up to make her look like the abuser the good thing is that you have a clean record, you have no reports or any trouble with the law or any abuse. Just continue to stay away from Derrick, keep doing good, find a job and go to therapy then you should be back with your children in no time.

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