In love with my neighbor - Lukloe

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In love with my neighbor.


My new obsession is you.

Chloe hates moving, it's boring, stressful, time consuming and messy. There are always a million things to do in a move and it seems like it takes months to get everything in place. And as an extremely perfectionist person, this is a nightmare.

But she doesn't regret getting out of the hotel and away from her mom and dad and having her own place. No really. She has been struggling for years to put up with her mother, not functioning half the time, the two fight constantly. Which left her father between them, trying to smooth things over.

Which never worked too.

So now that Chloé has just finished university two weeks ago; she decided it was time she left the nest and had a home of her own. She's a grown woman, just graduated from two colleges and ready to take over the family business. Her father has wanted for years to hand over control of the hotel chain, Le Grand Paris, to her. But the two had reached an agreement that he would wait for her to graduate from University and then she would take control of everything.

Her mother, despite all the disagreements between them, knows that Chloé is the only hope of keeping her Style Queen empire going. Zoé isn't interested in anything fashion and just wants to focus on her acting career. So Chloé knows it won't be long before she takes over Audrey Bourgeois' fashion empire.

She is ready for work, Chloé has a degree in Business and Corporate Law and will soon be starting her post graduation. She is twenty-two years old and has worked hard to get her degree, in two different courses at the same time and deserves to reap the fruits of her work.

When she graduated from high school and it was time for her to choose which career to follow, she had no idea which one to choose. There were a lot of options, should I go for Ballet? Arts or should she go for something that would help her family business prosper even more?

In the end Chloe chose what would benefit not only her but also her family. She would take over the family business and elevate it to a much higher level than it ever was. She would be a successful businesswoman in everything she put her hands to. And that's what she will do.

And the first step to being an independent and powerful woman is to have your own place. There's no way to put up with the mother anymore, that woman is unbearable. Living with her is unsustainable for Chloé and the best answer to her problem was to buy an apartment and not give Audrey her new address.

And now here she is in the middle of her spacious new living room, surrounded by boxes to unpack and start this new phase in her life. Is excited. It is the first time that Chloé has lived alone and it will be a learning moment.

And she's determined to handle anything they throw at her.


She hates your neighbor. She really does.

Who the fuck plays a goddamn guitar, no, plays the whole fucking band, at ten in the morning? Who can be so clueless not to consider that they have neighbors who need to work, study and sleep. Because of course the idiot doesn't just play his shitty music in the morning, no, he plays it in the afternoon, at night and sometimes even at dawn.

Who the hell has that much time for that? It seems your neighbor is constantly having parties and having guests, it's always so noisy there. And damn this building for having such thin walls. Seriously, for the price the apartment cost, she expected not to hear her neighbor drop a damn pin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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