Childhood friends to lovers - Feliloe / Adriloe

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Childhood friends to lovers


Impossible love.

Friendship, that's a strong word and most people take it seriously. Friends are the ones who are always there for you no matter what, put up with your shit, give you advice and pull your ear and make you come to your senses when you're being an asshole. These are people you love and who will love and support you for the rest of your life if you're lucky, who will dry your tears and heal your wounded heart. They can also be the ones that destroy you too.

Friendships don't last forever, despite what we like to think. Friendship is often a lot like being in love. Some are short and intense, the kind that no matter how much time passes you will remember. Others are not worth remembering, it hurts to remember. And there are those lasting and incredible ones that no matter what storm it endures, will stand strong despite everything thrown at it. These are the ones worth keeping and caring for, fighting to never lose.

And when it comes to lasting friendships, childhood friendships are at the top of the charts. And Chloe, like everyone else, has a childhood friendship that is very important to her. Two actually.

Coming from a very wealthy and respected family, it was normal for her to bond with the children of her parents' friends and associates. The Bourgeois, Graham de Vanily and Agreste families have been friends for a long time, since André Bourgeois, Gabriel Agreste, Amélie and Emilie Graham de Vanily and Audrey Armani were at school. And when everyone got married and had children, their children lived together and grew up together. Forming a friendship and continuing the bond that the three families formed.

Adrien Agreste, Félix Graham de Vanily Fathom and Chloé Bourgeois grew up closer than three beans in a pod. They did everything together, played, studied and did extra curricular activities. They were inseparable and best friends.

Chloe and Adrien had a stronger bond than Chloe and Felix. She and Graham were always very similar and with strong personalities. Neither one liked to give in, thus causing a lot of tension and arguments between them. Too proud to give in and admit they liked each other despite all the headache they gave each other, they wouldn't live without each other in their lives.

Like many friendships, over time and the older they grew they grew apart a little. Mainly Felix, who moved to London at the age of eleven. But they still saw each other on special dates and holidays.

This ended up bringing Chloé and Adrien a little closer, making her end up developing a crush on her best friend. She really thought the two were made for each other. And how not? Their families are friends, they come from the same social circles, they've known each other forever and know everything about each other. They were perfect. Handsome, rich, famous and friends. What could go wrong?

It tells what could go wrong.

School. When Adrien finally went to school when they were fifteen, everything changed. It wasn't that long ago that their friendship was turning from friendship to a romantic relationship. The two began to grow closer in different ways to friendship and ended up starting something more physical and sentimental between the two. Soon they were dating.

Their families were happy and the two of them too. At least Chloe was. And that's why she decided that she would help Adrien get into school, something he always dreamed of and wanted but his parents never allowed. And she did, she managed to convince the cold and indifferent Gabriel Agreste to let his only son go to school. Something extremely hard to achieve. But for Chloé Bourgeois nothing is impossible, she is too stubborn to let anyone stop her when she is determined to have something.

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