Chapter : 25

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Few days later

One day priya was working at her office just then her colleague came to her with a excited face

C : Priya take a look you have made it girl

Priya glanced up to her with a curious look

Then she showed her phone to her

C : Look your photographs posted on Louis and Mark

Priya couldn't belive on her eyes what's actually she was seeing is it a reality or just a mere dream

She looked back to her colleague Nathalie in a clueless manner

C : Do you know what this means ? You suppressed thousands of entries behind and won this is the most reputed fashion journal here you gotta give me a treat as I bought this news to you

Priya's inner heart was jumping with joy she was too much exited

Then she switched off her laptop and stood up

P : I can't believe this is actually happening

C : Well you should cause you got a real talent girl anyway don't forget about the treat

P : Ofcourse I will not

Then Nathalie hugged her and then Priya left from there as she wanted to share this news with ram first

She dialed his number ram was on the way to somewhere when his phone rang he grabbed that out from his pocket and seeing her number his face all brighten up right away

He picked up the call

And heard Priya was sounding so thrilled

R : What happened you are sounding really overactive

P : I have send you a link open that first

R : Link ?

P : Yeah just do it na

Ram opened his massage box and clicked on the link and he got equally elevated seeing Priya's article there

P : Have you seen it already?

R : What have you done Priya? Oh my my I didn't know my wife could be capable of this ?

Priya giggled

P : Hmm you didn't know me at all

R : Then spare me some time to go through you throughly

P : Stop being like this ram and tell me when will you be back home ?

R : I will be back soon I have to

P : Great see you tonight

R : Yup anyway congratulations Priya you made it really big this time I am extremely happy for you

That following day when priya reached to her institution everyone was congratulate her for this achievement she got overwhelmed by all the love just then one of her friend from there came to her

While Priya was grabbing her belongings before she leave

F : Hey before you leave don't forget to thank rajat sir cause I have heard he specifically appeald for your work at Louis and Mark he got really good connections there

Just hearing that Priya got a little confused

P : Who did that ?

F : Dont look so clueless come on don't you get it he is so deluged by your works anyway I gotta go but don't forget to see him before you leave okay

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