He Said

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This is a completely true story about one of my friends going through I guess you could say a really tough time. She's stressed and well...yeah. Everything in this poem is 100% true.

The picture to the side is by that girl.


A girl had a crush on a guy

Who was happily dating her friend

So she waited in the corner

Sure that they would end

And after a little while

The end finally came

She hoped things would return

That they would stay the same

But her friends hated the other

And they forced her to choose

She became stressed and mad

Hopelessly confused

She stands in her kitchen now

Studying the curve of a knife

Hating what she had become

Hating her stressed life

She grabs a hold of the blade

And clenches her teeth tight

She brings the knife on her arm

Down with all her might

The knife only goes to skin

No blood at all drips out

But still she cries and weeps

Still she gives a shout

The knife clatters to the floor

As she runs to her room

What had she now become?

Was this really her doom?

She tells a friend what she did

She says, “Never again

I will not grab that knife

I will not do that sin”

The friend, shocked and scared

Goes and tells the guy

Who realizes what he's done

And slowly says with a sigh

“Do not ever speak of me

Do not say my name

Rid me from her mind for now

If I'm cause of her pain

Do not ever mention me

Remove me from her life;

I would never forgive myself

If she picked up that knife”

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