So It Goes

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This is a poem I had to write for English class based on Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut.

I still haven't read the book. oops


So it goes

That time changes

It writhes and kicks and fights

And eludes our attempts

To make it sit still

So it goes

That the seasons shift

They flow and glide through the eras

Never settling, always running

The leaves die and the flowers grow

And the snow falls and the rains come

And the heat roars and the cold stings

And Nature lives on

So it goes

That wars continue to ravage

They tear at the land

And at peoples hearts

They steal the young in the dead of night

And the old in the middle of the day

They fire off gunshots and watch

As blood splatters across the pavement

They enter peoples home and drag them

Screaming into the streets

Where they execute them for all to see

So it goes

That insanity creeps in like a snake

It slithers into the mind and sinks its teeth

Into the thickest parts of the brain

It pilfers away the memories

And coherent thoughts

And sucks away the life of the host

Until there is nothing left

But a lonely shell

So it goes

That chaos rides in like a tidal wave

It smashes into anything in its way

Toppling buildings and taking lives

It strips away humanity

And it throws aside all reason

Until the only things left

Are piles of rubble

So it goes

That the earth continues to turn

That the years continue to change

That battles continue to be fought

That people continue to lose their mind

That despairs continue to plague us

So it goes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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