You're Not Alone

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Not gonna lie, this is vent. It's a little old and I found it in my docs and decided to post it.

It's probably more of a spoken word poem but I think it sounds fine if you read it, too.


Does it get easier?


But there’s going to be nights where you’re lying awake at 1am and you realize you must have thought about them a thousand times that day

And you're going to call yourself things like clingy and childish but you’re not

Because you are a human being

And you are experiencing heartbreak

And you're going to think that you’re over exaggerating and that you’re alone

But you’re not

You’re not alone

You’re not alone in thinking about them and falling asleep to the sound of your tears

You’re not alone in ducking your head in the hallways hoping you won’t see them and be reminded of all the times they smiled at you and your heart fluttered

You’re not alone in picturing a million other ways it could have gone so that they were still there at your side

You’re not alone in panicking when they look your way

You’re not alone in thinking that it wasn’t even a big deal, so why does it hurt so bad?

You’re not alone in wishing you couldn’t remember every time they spoke your name or brushed a shoulder against yours

You’re not alone in sitting there and suddenly realizing that you can smell their distinct scent and wishing with all your being that you could run and wrap your arms around them just to drink in that smell one last time to commit it to memory and never forget

You’re not alone in neglecting your responsibilities so that you can lay in bed and try to remember their face

You’re not alone in finding small and insignificant objects and being reminded of them

You’re not alone in seeing them everywhere, even when they’re not really there

You’re not alone in busying yourself with little tasks or games just to try and put your mind at rest, to try and forget

You’re not alone

Because we have experienced this too

And trust me

One day, you’ll lie in bed and you’ll realize with a start that you went an entire day without thinking about them

And you’ll realize that you made it and you survived

And you are healing

And ready to live your life a little bit wiser

Because we are human beings

And we experience heartbreak

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