Who are You?

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Katsuki's stopped breathing. He felt hope for the first time this evening. "This is the only time I'm grateful for your creepy ass, Mom".

"Shut up, Brat. I'm sending someone to pick you up right away. I'm already pulling up the tracker. I need to coordinate with the black ops unit and the local police".

"Black Ops? Will they even come for something like this?".

"What the fuck are you saying, Katsuki Bakugo?! Is my future son in law not worth the big guns?!".

"Of course he is, Hag! I was just surprised is all".

"Get your ass to the corner of 10th and Green. Lieutenant Ojiro will be there any second to pick you up in a military Humvee. He will escort you to the nearest base where I'm headed now".

Katsuki could hear his mom giving orders on her other phone. This is what he needed to hear. Someone who is in calm control. The very opposite of how he was feeling at this moment. "Masaru!" Mitsuki barked "Move your sweet ass! Our brat needs you to comfort him n shit".

Katsuki couldn't help smiling. He really could use his father at his side. His presence is very much like Izuku's. Sweet and supportive. "They're here, Mom" Katsuki notice the military vehicle pulling up to the corner. His mom didn't even bother to answer, she just hung up. Katsuki wasn't upset. His mom needed to concentrate on finding his nerd, not holding his hand.

Katsuki nodded towards the Lieutenant, got in and shut the door. The ride over was quiet, the other man concentrating on getting to the base as soon as possible. Katsuki was sure his mom had ordered him to move his ass. He didn't mind the quiet. All he wanted to think about is what could be going on with Izuku and if he was even going to see him alive ever again.

"Don't think like that" he scolded himself. "Izuku isn't stupid. He'll be fine. He has to be".

Meanwhile a groggy greenette was awakening, his eyes still a little blurry, but he knew he didn't know where he is. The room isn't anywhere he recognized. His brain started to catch up, but the sedative hadn't completely worn off. He sat up, holding his head trying to chase away the dizziness.

"I'm so happy your awake, Deku" a voice spoke from across the room. Izuku took a few deeps breaths before looking over at who had spoken. That seemed to help clear his mind, so he took a few more breaths until he felt mostly normal.

He then glanced over to where the person had spoken and recognized the expensive suit right away. The person had taken off the black mask and was staring at him. This person has white hair, pale skin and although fairly tall with a lanky build. If he wasn't a psycho kidnapper, Izuku might have thought him handsome.

"I am" Izuku replied sitting up on the plush couch. "And who might you be?".

"I'm one of your biggest fans. You might know me as alphadog2045. I sent you that pretty angel outfit last month. The devil costume for October, and many more over that past few months".

"Ah, Yes! Alphadog2045, I know you! It always made me so happy opening your packages". Izuku smiled at the man with fake affection. Izuku could read this man's face easily. He is the type that likes to be flattered, but can become dangerous if he feels he's been lied to. Izuku knew he had to tread lightly with him. "Didn't you send me that lace dark pink teddy? I still wear that to bed. The silk feels like heaven against my skin".

The man's face flushed with pleasure. "You really do remember me, don't you? I knew you would!".

"Of course I would. You send me the best most expensive lingerie. So tell me" he purred "what is your real name?".

"Tomura Shigaraki, but can you call me Sweetie?". Izuku's heart sank a little. This man is clearly in need of affection. His parents are probably wealthy pieces of shit that didn't give him the time of day. He guessed Shigaraki is wealthy not only by his suit, but this living room is large and richly decorated. An affection starved spoiled brat that is used to buying whatever or whomever he wants.

"Sweetie" Izuku replied tapping the couch next to him "Come sit next to me for a bit. I need to ask you a few questions. Is that ok, Sweetie?". Izuku repeated the nickname to put the man more at ease. He also made sure to use his Deku persona with the young man. That is who Shigaraki is wanting. Izuku was sure that Shigi isn't looking to hurt Deku.

The pale young man sank down next to him, his eyes devouring every inch of Izuku's body. Midoriya didn't flinch. Shigi wasn't looking at him in a sexual way, more in awe. Ok, there was a little sexual desire there, but nothing Izuku couldn't handle.

"Sweetie, why am I here? I would have met with you if you had just asked me". Izuku looked at Shigi with innocent pleading eyes that were starting to tear up. "You scared me, Sweetie. I don't like being scared".

Those tears had an immediate reaction "I'm sorry, Deku! I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't know how else to meet with you. I was sure that once you knew I wasn't a real client you would walk away and I'd never get another chance to be near you".

"Can you tell me what happened to President Nezu and Mirio? Are they ok?".

"Ah" Shigi said rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I might have gone overboard with them. They tried to stop me from taking you, so I kinda lost it".

Izuku's eyes widened, for the first time showing fear to his captor "Did you kill them?" he asked shakily. "Did you?!".

"No I didn't! I just knocked them out. They'll be fine".

Izuku sighed placing a hand to his chest. "What am I doing here? What exactly do you want with me?".

"Isn't it obvious?" he huffed with exasperation. "I want you to be mine and only mine. It pissed me off that that Dynamite asshole got to do what only someone who truly loves you should be doing! Your first time should have been with me!".

Izuku leaned back. This is the first time that he could see the demon behind the door. This man meant what he said. He wanted Izuku to be his and wouldn't hesitate to hurt anyone that gets in his way. That included him.

"I want to go home. I don't feel so well. Can you take me home, Sweetie? Once I feel better we can talk about going out on a date, but right now my head hurts a little". Izuku used the biggest roundest doe eyes on Shigi hoping the young man would fall for it. He did not.

"I meant what I said" he growled grabbing Midoriya's wrists painfully "You belong to me now. Your home is my home".

"You're scaring me. People who love someone don't scare them".

"You'll get used to me soon enough, Angel. I know people are already looking for you, but we'll be long gone by the time they even get close".

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked, his limbs starting to tremble. He didn't like the manic look from the young man at all.

Shigaraki picked up his phone and made a call. "Is the plane ready? We need to leave asap".

"We should be ready to leave in a half hour, Sir. You and your guest can make your way onto the jet now".

"Jet?" Izuku asked backing away. All semblance of composure had left the building. "I'm not fucking going anywhere with you, you crazy bastard!". Izuku took off running down the hall and into the first room he came to. He dashed inside slamming the door closed and locking it. He somehow found the strength to push a bookcase against the door creating a strong barrier. He could hear his kidnapper pounding on the door, calling for one of his men to open the lock.

Izuku knew there was little time before he would be caught, so he did the only thing he could think of. He grabbed a blanket and covered his face and as much as his body as he could and ran towards the large window that overlooked the crashing waves of the ocean below. He slammed his body as hard as he could against the glass, he felt it give way crashing all around him. He landed right on the boarder of a high cliff. He turned around and saw two men rushing towards him. Izuku knew he had two choices. Jump or be taken. He took a deep breath, plugged his nose and jumped. As his body began falling he couldn't help his heart breaking at the thought of never seeing his family or Bakugo again. 

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