Here We Are, Together Again

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Rococo's P.O.V

I'm adding the finishing touches to Capt. Spaceboy's commission. It's been six weeks since I last saw him. Is he coming today? I really liked his company! I haven't had a proper conversation with a living person in SO long, not since Omori and his friends found me. But then again, they didn't really seem like they wanted to be there, and disappeared after i stopped doing commissions for them. Will Capt. Spaceboy do the same? Unlike Omori and the others, he seemed like he actually enjoyed talking to me. Maybe he'll stay a little longer. I think I've done enough for the painting now. I stepped back to admire my work. It depicts Sweetheart clutching her flail, intimidating a group of sprout moles. She has a supercilious expression on her face. It was a bit hard to paint Sweetheart, since i lacked memory of her, not seeing her for so long. But there was another reason. I didn't want to paint her. I didn't want to paint the person who'd hurt me for so many years. I didn't want to paint the person who'd trapped me inside of these walls. I suppose it can't be helped if i want Capt. Spaceboy to return. He really is obsessed with Sweetheart. Just like I once was. 

Capt. Spaceboy, huh...

He was just so cool!! Captain of the Space Pirates. Space! It's probably the best job anyone could ever have. And he found me, somehow. And he commissioned me! He stayed and talked to me!

I set down the paintbrushes i was using onto the table. Unfortunately, I don't have easy access to water, so I usually clean my paintbrushes with tissues, which doesn't really work that well alone. It's quite tedious. I've finished the painting. All i have to do is wait now.

Capt. Spaceboy's P.O.V

It's been six weeks. Rococo's probably finished the painting by now. I hope this'll be enough for Sweetheart to forgive me. If she doesn't, I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I'm climbing down the ladder into Sprout Mole Village right now. The sprout mole who's usually at the ticket stand isn't there for some reason, so i can walk past it in ease. I ascend another ladder and push open the big pink doors that lead into Sweetheart's castle. They give a slight creak. Where was that trapdoor again? I amble to the last row of chairs, and spot it. The broken lock is still there. I opened the trapdoor and went down the ladder, without any hesitation this time.


I reached the bottom and went under one of the archways, ignoring all of the letters and presents. I go through the same hole and there he is, sitting on that mattress, staring at nothing. He smiled when he saw me, getting to his feet immediately. He ran over to me, exclaiming:

"Le gasp! You have returned!" 

"Hey," I said, giving him an awkward wave.

"I finished the commission! Do you wanna see it?" Rococo asked, bubbling with excitement.

"Of course! That's why i came here."

He gestured towards the easel in the corner. I got closer to it. On the canvas was a painting of Sweetheart gripping her mace, surrounded by terrified looking sprout moles. I slowly took it off the easel. It was brilliant.

"Soooo, what do you think?" Rococo inquired hopefully.

"This is....amazing!" I cried, turning to face him. "I love the colours! and Sweetheart's expression is so good! she's going to love this!" my face broke into a grin.

"You really think so? Thank you, Thank you!"

"Sweetheart's definitely going to forgive me now!"

"Of course she is. You're lucky you found a great artist such as myself." Rococo boasted,  flipping his hair.

Starry Night (Rococo x Space Boyfriend)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora