The Spaces In-Between

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Capt. Spaceboy's POV

I made my way through the thin, early morning mist that always settles in Pyrefly Forest. For the past few weeks, I've been putting off talking to Sweetheart, busying myself with work at Otherworld. But it's finally time to bite the bullet. I'm going to talk things out with her. I'm not certain this is going to do anything, but I promised Rococo I'd try. I went down into Sprout Mole Village and entered Sweetheart's Castle. I am immediately met with another sprout mole. Just my luck. It blinks at me, before fully realizing my presence.

"You're not supposed to be here," It stated, matter-of-factly.

"Wait! I, er, want to talk to Sweetheart. Can I?"

It pondered my question for a moment, before eventually saying: 

"Fine. I'll go tell her." And with that it scurried away. I have to wait for her now, I guess? This really isn't how i wanted it to go. I am once again hit with the all-too-familiar feeling of panic, of impending danger. My brain's already coming up with scenarios. Some of them way less likely than others. This is happening too quickly. I perched on the edge of a chair, unable to sit still. This is taking a really long time. I'm dreading Sweetheart's arrival, but at the same time, all this waiting is killing me. After what feels like ages, I hear the steady clicking of her heels in the hallway. I immediately got up from the chair, and just at that moment Sweetheart came in the room. She, of course, had her mace with her. She eyed me with disdain.

"So you've returned," She sneered. "A poor choice."

"Yeah-uh- before we do anything else- Can you put your mace away?" I stammered.

"Its a FLAIL! they barely even look similar!"

"Sorry, flail. Can you still put it down, though?"

"No, I don't think I will."


"So, why are you here?" She asked.

"I just wanted to talk about what happened last time."

"What is there to talk about?"

"Well- I just wanted to know why I made you so mad."

"You really don't know? Because you cant tell me what do with my sprout moles, idiot."

"Is that really all there is to it?" I asked.

"And you wouldn't shut up about it! one time is infuriating, but a SECOND time-"

"Hey now, I'm not trying to start an argument here!" I interrupted.

"Shush, I'm not finished yet! What was I saying again- Oh yes, I remember now. You wouldn't stop going on about the sprout moles. Why on earth do you care about them so much?"

Wow. Things are going great so far, huh.

"I don't! I've just noticed that you tend to be quite cruel to them sometimes, and maybe they don't deserve that?" 

"Don't be ridiculous, of course they do. Have you even seen the sprout moles? Absolutely the most annoying species to ever exist," She spat, waving her flail around.

I suppressed a sigh. Please, please don't let this turn into another argument. "Look, lets compromise. I'll never mention this again, okay? But you have to promise to try and be nicer to the sprout moles."

"No." Sweetheart looks as if she's about to start a rant, but then her expression changes. "Actually, maybe I might start being nicer to them. But on one condition."

She pauses dramatically, and I wait for her to continue with bated breath.

"I want another painting."

Starry Night (Rococo x Space Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now