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"Roughly the size of a barge"


"We need to get a move on!"
The sun was barely up. It had snowed all night, leaving a thick blanket of white on the ground. Boots crunched and moved through it, leaving a trail soon to disappear. 3 flashlights lit up the ground, searching.
"So what are the details again?" someone said, their breath visible in the air.
"A college student in her twenties, (h/c) hair, average height. Last seen two days ago. Her name is (y/n)," a gruff voice answered. He was an older man named Grayson, the oldest and most toned of the group. He had grown up in the NorthCrest mountains, knowing it like an old friend. All the rumors, tales, and accidents. Including an old urban legend of a beast...
"Damn. Real unlucky to be lost in these mountains at this time of year!" another man chimed in. "That's exactly why we need to hurry," Grayson said.
The older man clearly didn't want to talk, but the man carried on: "Did'ya hear at the village downtown people are saying she was taken by a monster? I bet the cold is makin' their imaginations run wild," he chuckled.
"It's a stupid rumor and you know it. Can't you be serious for 5 minutes?" the woman next to the chuckling man scolded.
"Both of you should hush; we need to be keeping our eyes peeled. This is a rescue mission, not a field trip!" Grayson picked up his pace. The conversation finally ended.
It was true, it was meant to be a search party. The season, however, hindered any progress. The terrain was difficult to navigate, especially at night. The party of three had been looking for a day now, with no real sign of their target. Until now.
The group had walked up to the midpoint of the mountain. There were caves all around this part. They assumed if someone was lost, they'd stay here. Nearly 6 hours had passed when Grayson found a small hair tie stuck to a branch. If it had been in the snow, it would have been covered up completely. A miracle, truly a miracle.
"Everyone! I found something!" Grayson shouted. The other two rushed over to him. Grayson held up the hair tie, silencing every "what is it?" that was in their throats. "I'm going to mark this on the map. Keep looking! She's definitely in this area." Grayson made a note of their location, "Move fast, it's only getting colder."
Another hour. The sky was beginning to darken, preparing for the night. The atmosphere was surprisingly calm given the circumstances. That hair tie had given them hope; a sort of message saying, 'it'll be over soon, then you can go home.'
But the resting nerves of the three brave rescuers would not remain at peace for long. It was a small pitter-patter at first. Then rustling leaves. It was loud in comparison to the forest's serene silence. Too loud.
They stood close together. Glances made their way toward each other's feet, which were all unmoving. Then came the excuses,
"Do any large animals live near here?"
"Do you think it's the girl?"
Grayson stood solemn. No, those weren't human footsteps. They didn't sound like any animal, either. It was the sound of the unknown. A sound that even made the trees quiver. He steadied himself. Grayson said in a low, chilling whisper, "Prepare to run."
Three nods and a moment, that's all it was until something unbelievable, nightmarish, showed itself. There was no time to stop and gasp, scream, or even think. All there was to do was to move.
Shoes raced across the snow, almost inhumanly so. Blood and belongings were both dropped. The nightmarish creature took notice of this, no longer caring to give chase to the intruders. The creature's attention soon turned to a small cantine lying in the snow.

The days passed rather repetitively and you soon realized that the creature you'd become roommates with, although partially against your will, posed no real threat to you. Sure it'd take next to nothing for him to harm you, but why would he wait this long? 'Hell, maybe he was lonely too.' you found yourself lightly chuckling at such a thought. Your lighthearted state didn't last long however when you recalled your current situation. Lingering for just a bit of freedom you decided to test your luck.
Wendy had left the cave not long ago. When he was gone, it was typically for what felt like several hours. Taking that into account, you immediately pushed your plan into action to waste no time.
Grabbing bundles of fur from the creature's stash you knotted together a makeshift cover-up to shield yourself from the cool windy weather outside. You knew it probably wasn't enough. Still, you felt that your goal would distract you enough to get by.
You carefully took a torch from the fire pit to guide you through the caves. You weren't really sure which way to go. The light, however, was an incredible help. Wherever you could, you took a rock and marked the walls. It was small enough to not notice at a glance, but enough to have you see it if you were to pass it again.
You thought of Wendy, of all things. How would he react to this? Were you going to try to make it all the way home with some furs and a torch? The time you spent lost in those caves gave you time to think. To think about a plan, not one made with a tunnel vision; solely focused on the desire to move.
I'll stay out just for a bit, you thought, it'll be quick, he won't know. Soon you found yourself being blinded by the winter sun.
Poking your head out of the cave's entrance you scanned the surroundings ensuring that Wendy was nowhere in sight. The air outside nipped at your cheeks painting them a light rose color. You looked around. You now knew you were atop the NorthCrest mountain, on one of the highest peaks. The height made you woozy. However, what seemed to be a path led downward. It looked like it was defined simply by someone (or something) walking on it over and over again. Either way, you followed it.
You took your first step into the snow. A deep sense of freedom overwhelmed you. Time had passed by, leaving you in a dazed state. Returning to the world, now, was like a breath of air after suffocating. Taking a deep breath, you continued to walk.
It wasn't until now that you realized how stuffy the fire made the cave. You kept wandering down the path without much intent, other than to take note of the scenery. You had your freedom, now you were at the end of the tunnel. What were you going to do now?
Enjoy said freedom, of course.
You stopped to touch icicles or to play with snow exploring the vast land around you. Although as you trekked on it became evermore clear to you the effect time had on your memory of the forest. Almost everything had become foreign to you, not one thing felt old. It was like taking your first steps again.
You watched the sun move. One hour, two hours, three, maybe more. The cold became evermore harsh as the sun began to sink back into the horizon. You prepared to go back to the cave. Little did you know a certain wendigo was very unhappy with your disappearance.

Wendy had practically torn apart the cave upon his return. He'd just recently gotten to see someone again, and he wouldn't let himself be stripped of it. The fire in the cave had long burnt out leaving nothing but a pile of black ash and charred wood. 'Had he left you too long? Were you hurt? Killed?' His mind raced and his unease grew. Any signs of you were long gone, except for your scent. It was a constant reminder of your absence and it completely overwhelmed him. He raced out of the cave in chase of you.
He didn't know where you were or what you were doing, but one thing he did know was that he wasn't going to let you leave again. Not after causing him all of this worry. The temperatures outside were cool even for him, so he couldn't imagine how you were holding up. The wind whipped against his fur as he ran, only stopping to lift his nose into the air in a canine-like manner to sniff the air.
You headed back up to the cave. You walked faster, anxiety creeping up on you. You didn't know if you had been gone for too long. All you could do was hope. Your hands had begun to be numb, and you tried your best to keep your teeth from chattering. You suddenly craved that stuffy cave fire, and your strange companion, of all things.
Maybe the universe had heard you somehow. Whether it was a blessing or not is debatable; but a tall gray demon's had their grip on you now. The claws ignored your shout of surprise and picked you up and off of the ground.
"Wendy—" you tried to talk. He started to walk then run, the speed bumping your chest and knocking the air out of you. No words were able to leave your mouth. Your hands grabbed at bundles of his soft fluff trying your hardest not to fall. It didn't take very long until you reached the familiar walls of the cave. The very same cave which not long ago you'd considered akin to prison walls but, the freezing temperatures outside and your anxiety riddled state left you almost lingering for its confines. Wendy's strides were more gentle and controlled now, letting your body have a break. You couldn't tell what he was thinking his entire demeanor had changed almost instantaneously and that hadn't helped your anxiety whatsoever. So, you kept your mouth shut.
You all reached the room the fire was kept in. Wendy set you down on the blanket and went to relight the fire. You sat in silence until Wendy spoke up, "You could've died." It almost sounded like he was worried for you. You avoided his gaze. "I can't stay here forever." You tried to sound as soft as possible. You didn't know how far his patience went yet, so you didn't test it. Your travel earlier was a divine example of what resulted from taking your chances. "It isn't safe. You need to stay with me." Wendy had lit the fire by now. The heat felt good, as much as you hated to admit it. "It'd be safer if I could go back home! To civilization, my family!" You retorted. Wendy was spent. How do you argue with that?
He sat down by the fire, across from you. He spoke, "Sleep.", then didn't say anything else. You were baffled by his changing of the subject, but also relieved he didn't try to kill you. His eyes remained on you, though. It was obvious he didn't plan to leave you alone again. With nothing else to do, you laid your head down and slept.


Word Count: 1876

Authors Notes,

From Penny (2centminstrel): A chapter that's on time! A miracle!!!! Hope the POV change didn't spook you. Also, I think you might be able to guess what movie we're referencing in the titles now.

From Wren (W_r_3_n): Weiner also mei from Ow2 is bad ashhh
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