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"Be Our Guest"


 You wake up. But not entirely, your eyes stayed closed in protest due to the pain in your head. It was pounding, like a rubber band threatening to snap even if you just moved a muscle. So, you silenced all your desperation and stayed still. You were trapped, binded by yourself. Unable to move, you relied on what was working: your ears and nose.

The scent of the place was partly smokey, partly earthy. Confirming your first guess of the origin of the smell was a crackling sound; clearly, you were near a fire. Still exhausted, but not exhausted enough to not feel hope.

The ground felt hard but the texture was soft and fluffy, like a stone covered in silky moss. It wasn't cold anymore, either. Actually, it was rather warm, nothing like the pin-needle-like snow you went to rest in. But the wind was still there. That wretched sound. The harsh blowing of it against the trees; the frigid feeling of it against your skin... Thankfully your new environment took mercy on your deprived state, leaving only the low crackle of the fire for you to hear. And yet it was still so overwhelming.

After a while, you decided to once again abuse your body and try to open your eyes. They complied. You blinked and blinked until it didn't hurt anymore.

Ah, light.

But not the warm golden sun, though, but the reddish hue emitted from the fire. Your eyes stretched as they took notice of the rock-lined walls, and at the center of the 'room' sat the fire. One that seemed to be well kept, too; there were logs to spare. It burned intensely, working overtime to keep the place warm and (decently) lit.

You began to move your head, then fingers, then arms, slowly thawing your limbs. Mobile now, you sat up to stare at the flames. With your train of thought now running again, you started to think more clearly. You could tell you were in a cave, but not that deep since you could still hear the wind outside, and that someone was with you because there was a fire. You still wore the clothes you left with, too. A mere thick shirt, winter pants, and socks. It was a miracle your feet still moved...

But they did, and they carried you closer to the only source of light in the room. You winced at the cold stone floor hitting your feet and retreated to the soft cushioned area in the cave. It was a blanket, you now knew. It was near the walls, maybe to keep the cotton (you didn't actually know for sure what the material was) blanket from being a fire hazard.

But being close to walls has its advantages. The walls tell the secrets of those inside, or in this case, outside.

You caught the faintest sound of a voice under the wind.

"-e should try — com-"

At first, you thought you misheard; but as it got closer, you knew that it was definitely a human. Or humans, now hearing at least 3 different tones.

"-Icole sa—"

"Are they—- -kay?"

"—ey will c—- ba— later"

You didn't know what to do for a moment. Finally, you shook off your initial surprise and decided on one goal: get their attention.

You stood up and began to make noise; in any way possible. Yelling, stomping your feet on the ground (which hurt, you didn't care though), and smacking your hands on the walls.

After that didn't work, you looked around again at the cave, observing more closely this time. The fire only lit a small part, leaving all else in shadow. What was there that you couldn't see? Was it safe to try and find out?

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