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"A dashing debonair smile"


You couldn't tell what was scarier: being near a beast, or being alone.

You pondered over what had just happened, your entire world had changed in what seemed like minutes, although it was well into your third day of being stuck in the caves of the snow-covered mountain. Thoughts of home became evermore prevalent as the hours ticked on into the eve. Memories of your family and everything you'd always known raced through your head, leaving nothing but a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Although this creature had taken you away from any civilization, you couldn't help but find yourself lingering for it– for him, in your lonely state.

Hours passed and the only thing accompanying you was the low whistle of the wind near the caves entrance. The cool breeze caused you to huddle into the corner once more, desperate to be shielded from the unkind air. A low rumble came from your stomach and resonated off of the cave walls. You felt exhausted. Sleep hadn't been coming easily in prior days and you were desperate for even a bit of relief from your throbbing head and viscous hunger. Your eyes held an all too familiar weight to them as they lulled you into a deep sleep.

A sudden jolt abruptly ended your short rest. You felt strong claws on both of your shoulders, holding you tightly. The face of the creature stood hovering above you. His facial features were typically difficult to discern, however now it was evident he was in a state of panic. You took a deep breath in and shook off his arms, "Wendy... What are you doing?"

Hearing your voice, his previous worry shed off almost instantaneously. He took a step back, "Was... worried. Sorry." It was difficult to believe a monster was apologizing to you. But nonetheless, you felt a bit bad. "It's okay..." Your voice was slightly hushed. There was silence between you two. You almost closed your eyes again until Wendy spoke up, "You... never told me your name."

That woke you up. He was right, though. You gave him an answer, "(Y/N)." You didn't feel like lying, not seeing the point in it. However, it was strange hearing your name from a voice like his. It was eerie. At least at first.

Now sat up, you tried to ease his nerves, "It's okay. Where did you go earlier?" You questioned. He stayed silent; you couldn't tell why. Did he not know what words to use, or did he simply not want to say? Either way you didn't get an answer, and didn't push it any further.

Wendy walked across the 'room' and brought to the light something you would have never have guessed: a canteen. It was a bright orange, and thick. It likely belonged to a hiker. Wendy misread your surprised expression, saying, "Water", trying to give an explanation. Seeing an item like that had so many implications your mind went in all directions. Wendy plopped the canteen in your lap, you could hear a slosh as it dropped. Wendy sat in anticipation, like he was a dog who just brought his owner a bone, waiting for validation.

You didn't know what to do. Accept the water from the mystery canteen, or not and risk being on this monster's bad side and die of thirst? It was a split-second choice, raising the bottle to your mouth and taking a sip. Both guilt and relief were in that water, equally so.

Seeming satisfied, Wendy again walked away to tend to the fire.

You thought of the noises you heard outside the first time you had woken up in the cave. Could this have belonged to one of them?

It was a thought like a murky lake: you didn't know how deep it went. You didn't know if they were okay, who they were, why they were there. All you had were loose assumptions, nothing but straws to grasp at. At that moment you decided that uneasy feeling of a lack of knowledge was one of the worst feelings.

The fire sputtered. You watched the ashes taper to the ground and swiftly get put out by the stone floor. You couldn't hear any noise from outside now, not even the wind. You wondered what time it was and how many days it had been. Your skin felt itchy and red, and your hair was beginning to oil.

An idea popped into your head, grabbing the cantine still full with water. Taking off the cap completely, you pour a small amount atop your head and scrub it around. It was freezing, sending a shiver down your spine. Your hair was now dripping wet, but you felt instantly better.

Wendy gaped at you. The action must have reminded him of your humanity, realization pouring over him. He walked over to you and closed the cantine, signaling you to follow him. He grabbed a piece of firewood to use as a torch and took your hand. You weren't sure what he was doing and why, but resisting didn't seem like an option.

It was only a small walk until the sound of rushing water echoed to your ears. It was then you figured out what Wendy was doing. The torch's light finally expanded from the tunnel and showed a large pool in a cavern. The water's reflection illuminated the cave's ceiling sending a blue light across your body. He seemed to usher you over to the water cupping his hands and throwing some water over himself trying to show you why he'd brought you here. The action made you smile a bit. You went over to the pool and bent over to feel the water with your finger. It wasn't as cold as you'd anticipated, but not warm either. You probably wouldn't die.

Wendy then set his torch down near the water, held up by a few rocks, then stated, "Stay." And rushed back off into the darkness. With new found privacy, you didn't waste a second to get clean and handle any other business. You were stripped of everything but your undergarments; even though it did feel like keeping decency in front a literal monster was a bit silly. However, It was more for peace of mind. You took handfuls of water, washing your limbs one by one.

It wasn't long until Wendy had returned, more logs in hand. He hastily put all the logs into one pile, forming a proper fire. You exchanged glances, a silent gesture of acknowledgment, until Wendy turned his back. A smile creeped onto your face, So human-like for something like him. You nudged closer to the fire, slowly putting your warm clothes back on. The heat made your shivering body relax.

"You can look now," You said, Wendy turned around and went to face you. "Thank you, by the way," Giving him a small smile. Originally, you'd probably have done that to stay on his good side, but now, it was more genuine. He gave a smile back. It was a smile out of a movie: a horror movie. But the effort was still appreciated.

Once the two of you had finished sitting by the fire, you both walked back to the still lit room. You sat on your blanket, a now comfort item of sorts, and closed your eyes. You could hear Wendy near-silently rummaging around, a perfect background noise for your daydreams.


Word Count: 1,241

Authors Notes,

From Penny (2centminstrel): Sorry for the short (and late) chapter. The later chapters will have more content I swear... ( ̄▽ ̄)ゞ

From Wren (W_r_3_n): Penny did like most of the work lol :P im very lazy-

Immure • Yandere! Wendigo x Fem! Reader 。❅Where stories live. Discover now