Part two: Getting to know each other

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Niragi set the boy down at a table, making all the previous occupants leave, before grabbing a new portion of food for his boyfriend and sitting down next to him. Everyone was staring at them but Niragi didn't seem to care. He nudged the younger to begin eating and Itsuki did, once he looked up and saw a few people still staring at him, so he hid in Niragi's nape embarrassedly. Niragi chuckled before throwing an angry stare at the people still watching them, making them quickly continue with what they were doing. Itsuki finished his food and they both stood up. "I wish I could stay with you love, but I need to run some errands, ask around for a girl named Kuina and stay with her for the day, she'll keep you safe." Itsuki nodded and gave Niragi a peck on his cheek with a little blush on his face. Niragi smiled and walked away with his gun on his shoulder, which Itsuki found weirdly hot.

Itsuki stood up from the table and walked over to a random girl, who looked at him scared. "Uhm, can you tell me where Kuina is?" He asked her, she nodded and muttered something along the lines of "Follow me..." They walked through a couple of hallways before they came into a random sitting room. There was the same boy with the white hoodie and a very pretty girl they both looked at him confused, and the girl who led him here quickly walked away. "Uh, hi I'm Itsuki, Niragi told me to find Kuina?" The boy raised an eyebrow and the girl chewed on something that looked like a lollipop stick. "That would be me," She answered. Itsuki nodded awkwardly and rocked on his feet before the guy in the hoodie began talking: "Sit down then, Itsuki, and tell us something about you."

Itsuki smiled at the other boy and said: "Well my name is Shoto Itsuki, I am nineteen, I like to dance and I like Hello Kitty and to dress femininely, I came into this world like two months ago, I knew Niragi before this whole disaster and I really love cats and bunnies, but sadly never owned either." Itsuki gave the other two an uncertain smile, not knowing how these people would react to him being feminine. The man stared at Itsuki with a mysterious look on his face, and then said: "Cool, I am Shuntaro Chishiya, twenty-three." (The ages are a guess, tbh) Itsuki nodded and said: "May I call you Shiya then?" he smiled at the other man. Chishiya looked surprised but nodded and gave a short chuckle. They both turned towards the girl and Chishiya said in a sing-song voice: "Your turn~" Even though Chishiya knew exactly who the girl was.

Kuina scoffed in disbelief at Chishiya before turning to Itsuki and saying: "Well as you already know my name is Kuina, my full name is Hikari Kuina, and I'm twenty-two." Itsuki hummed in acknowledgement and they stayed quiet for a bit. "What exactly is the beach?" Itsuki suddenly blurted out. "We are a secret organization, well we were supposed to be, that is like one big team in this world," Chisiya explained, careful about what exact details he told the boy. Kuina agreed and began to talk about the leaders: A mad guy named Hatter who didn't really show himself much unless he made an announcement, an ex-military soldier named Aguni who was really buff and Niragi his very own boyfriend."Niragi seems different when he is with you, less psycho," Kuina stated. Itsuki smiled at this and said: "He is a very sweet boy at heart."

The others both scoffed at this, knowing the things Niragi had done to others would not really be categorized as 'sweet boy.' They both shared eye contact for a moment, silently agreeing to not tell the boy about the real nature of Niragi. "Be careful with him, Itsuki." Is all that Chishiya stated, before clearing his throat and standing up. "Well then, I will give you a proper tour of this place." Chishiya and Kuina showed the boy (almost) every place in the hotel, like the bar and club, the various bathrooms and showers, the pool, the food court a room where there were a few video games, and multiple sitting rooms with very comfy sofas. Suddenly Itsuki felt hands around his waist. He got scared until he felt Niragi's rings against his waist and heard him whispering in his ear: "I have a surprise for you, darling~" The way Niragi said that word made his insides tingle. Chishiya and Kuina shared a look before deciding to leave them alone.

Niragi x Arisu x Male own character | Alice in Borderland fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now