Unraveled Truth

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It was only one night ago, when I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have. You see I was about to go to bed when I got the call. As soon as I got the call I went and changed back into my uniform. Then grabbed my car keys, my badge, and gun and ran out the door. When I saw the red and blue flashing lights I knew where I was. I parked my car and stepped out into a dark foggy drive way in the forest where other police cars were. Then I turned and saw that were 'caution tape' was marked there was a familiar cabin I had seen. I then just stood there remembering the things that had happened in that cabin. Then I heard another officer call my name. " Detective Armstrong, great you're here." The other officer yelled out to me and I stepped out of my flashbacks. "Uh ya, I just parked. I was told to come here because of an emergency inspection?" I said looking at the officer who had some gloves on. It looked like there was some dirt and blood on the gloves. "Oh yes, a murder just happened and you're our number one detective. Also you're going to need these..." the officer explained and then took off his gloves and grabbed a pair for me and then he put new one's on. I then slip on the gloves as he motions me to the crime scene. I spent around 2 hours investigating the crime scene. It was around 12:00 in the morning. Most of the officers had left but there was one more and they asked if I wanted them to stay but I declined and had them go home. After 30 minutes of putting stuff together and about to head to the station to research my investigation. I heard footsteps coming from behind the trees. Then I looked up pointing my gun from where the noise came from, there was light fog around but I was able to see. All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice yelling at me "Please don't shoot!" a male voice said. As the face becomes more clear I see Neil Keller, the man who I had a flashback of from the cabin. He had blood on his clothes and he was panting. "Neil! What happened?! Why are you covered in blood?" I question him as I get flashbacks digging up a grave and tarp. "Paige, I didn't mean to." Neil said, walking closer. "No, stop right there and do not come closer." I stood my ground to him still pointing my gun. "Did you kill that woman!" I look at him with a cold stare. "Y-yes, but Paige you have to listen" Neil tried to convince her. "No you're going to get in the back of the car and I'm taking you to the station." He did as I said and I arrested him. The drive there we made a plan to run away from the town. The next day he was getting questioned while I did a bulletin board for the crime that was committed last night. The officers on the case I told what Neil did and his other murders but Neil doesn't know that. A few weeks go by and it is the day of Neil's trial for the murder. Neil thinks I'm packing things when in reality I'm preparing to lose my position in the station. While sitting in the courtroom I was called up to be questioned and I told them everything that Neil did and how he had threatened me. As I told them about what Neil has done, Neil looked at me with a confused face. After that Neil was going to be killed for the innocent murders he did. Then for me I moved away across state because I lost my possition. I started working at a local shop. But I still sometimes go into unsolved cases trying to figure out what really happened.

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