Him & Her

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She bit her lip out of nervous habit. Dammit something had shifted and now she had to tell him. {Refer to poem in chapter}. That was what she loved most about their friendship. But now that she knew something had shifted she had to be brave and tell him. No matter the outcome.

Well he tried. He really did try to not fall for her, yet like Einstein said once, "You can't blame gravity for falling in love." Some things are just out of our control and who we fall in love with is one of them. That and her melodic laugh, twinkling eyes and her ever changing smile depending on her mood and who she was with. It was needless to say he couldn't take his mind off her.

We have everything, what if by saying something ruins it all? Could she really pretend things hadn't changed? She was an expert at hiding her feelings after all. Yet with him nothing got past his notice. It might have worked with the others in the past who weren't so observant. But not with him, he noticed everything that most people missed.

A bit unnerving sometimes but she couldn't deny it was one of the reasons why she fell for him. He just stubbornly refused to take things at face value when she was pretending things were fine. And would just keeping poking and prodding the unspoken blob until her true feelings came to surface. It annoyed the heck out of her, but she secretly loved the fact that he would go to those lengths to know her inner thoughts and help her in the best way possible.

It was a sharp contrast to the ones who she fell for in the past. Who would assume things were fine until she sat down and gave them a long lecture about it repeatedly.Until they got it in their thick heads as he would say.

She spontaneously giggled. Another reason why she loved him so (great now she was sounding like a complete utter sap and it was all his fault).

Now, how to go about telling her how he felt...?

He remembered she once said a guy took her to the lovers bridge but didn't want to be with her in that way confused her heart for many moons. Coffee was out of the question cause in her eloquent words, coffee dates be damned. For life apparently.

What if... He took her to the place where it all first started. Where they first met?

Message sent, he went off in search of the perfect bouquet. For the girl who captured his heart from day 1.

Still in a fit of giggles, she stared at her phone and saw the last minute change of venue where they were supposed to meet. Huh that's a bit odd she thought to herself, was there a reason he switched the place? To where they first met.

It's like he knew her-

Thought process. He knew she would know something was up. It was one of the things that he loved most about her. Her beautiful mind, that wasn't immune to overthinking. It was the reason why they could banter day and night about everything and anything. Both equally fascinated by their similarities and differences and comedy like no other. Holding the bouquet of flowers in his hand and running his hands through his hair nervously, he sent another message that read, See you soon by Ivory vine tower pavilion.

Huh, maybe this thing wasn't one sided? Shaking her head, it didn't matter. He deserved to know the truth, no matter where the chips fell.

She wasn't going to apologise for her feelings nor did she ever feel a sense of entitlement to a relationship... It was one of the annoying things about her default mindset, well if it's not for me or not mine- I can't do anything other than say my piece and do what's best for me.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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