Just my type

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Avery sighed as she sank deep in the couch that was reminiscent of Sherlock and Watson's twin couches. As battered as her heart felt, small details like that still made her smile weakly. Spending another Friday night wandering around aimlessly for the 100th time in a bookstore has always been a favourite pastime of hers. Yet these days the novelty was starting to wear off. Was she really asking the world for someone to actually care about her? Apparently it was. The guy was always in it for the chase and the moment she gave them a chance - they had already switched sides.

Closing her eyes sighing, she willfully hoped it would make a bit more bearable. All she wanted to do was fall asleep in her significant other's arms and just go home without a worry in the world. Though the reality was, he wasn't appearing anytime soon in her life with the way things were going. There wasn't much she could do other than shoving down the feelings down. Drifting off deep in her thoughts, she mulled: if only there was a sign or something. It wasn't as if she hated being single. It's just she didn't know feeling the absence and missing her SO could be so strong. The only thing that made it bearable was knowing that this soon shall past and he was feeling the same way wherever he was....

"Avery? Is everything ok?,"

Her eyes fluttered open sleepily, "Benson? Oh it's you," she straightened up. He looked at her with concern.

"You're still not stewing that I took the last skittles from the company's vending machine are you?"

Avery scoffed, "As if. I won my share, fair and square after you kept going on and on about how nobody knows Harry Potter like you do. The look on your face after I beat you in trivia was almost as good as winning the skittles."

"Haha very funny. But I must say, did you really have to take all the strawberry ones?"

"What can I say I'm a Gryffindor, can't be helped. Same could be said about the green apples, you're such a Slytherin."

"Oh yep and damn proud of it: strategic, smart, determined-"

"You forgot stubborn," she smiled weakly.

"Well so are you-

"Please not tonight Benson, I just can't," the spark in her eyes dimmed down and she sank back down on the couch.

"Hey... what's on your mind? You know you can tell me. I know we're always bickering but you know I care right?"

"Thanks... hey what are you doing here by the way? I thought you had that big date with whatshername -Lindsay, Lisa-

"Linda. You know for someone who has a semi-photographic memory, you have a pretty bad memory remembering names."

"That's because I'm constantly being surrounded by men in tech, yourself included. And most of your names are just one syllable or common."

"Ouch," responded Benson with feigned offense. "If you must know, when in doubt go to the library, Hermione wisely said once."

"Well as long as you avoid that section over there, maybe you'll find some answers," rambled Avery while pointing in the Book Tok direction.

"That bad night huh?"

"You have no idea. I came here to escape the reality of my dating life and now there's literally an entire book section mocking me with the fictional characters about their successful happy beginnings. Anywho, enough about my problems. Where's Linda?"

"Yeah it didn't work out. Something about me not being able to communicate properly, not complimenting her enough and whatnot. I didn't realise to date, I had to learn to quote Shakespeare."

Avery burst out laughing.

"Hey that's the Avery we all know!"

"Well I say it's Linda's loss. She's missing out on your great jokes. Clearly she hasn't seen you and I argue. As your work duo, I can vouch that you can communicate. It's not an issue."

The Attraction of PossibilityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora