Start from the beginning

Everything all good on your end? Mistral's voice whispered in Metta's mind. He smiled a tight smile, even though she couldn't see him.

Yeah. You? Metta sent back. He got a feeling of acknowledgement back. Good luck, kiddo.

You need it more.

Metta shivered. She was probably right. He was putting himself directly into a very dangerous situation. If all went well and he didn't fall to the Resistance, then he had to worry about what Bill would do if he figured out Metta's sabotage.

Metta put on his 'Lightning Bolt' face and got ready to initiate what he was calling phase one. He moved out of place for just a moment and headed over to where Zanthar was hanging out, ready for his part.

"Master changed his mind." Metta informed him. "He wants you on the other side of town. He'd tell you himself, but he actually doesn't like you very much, so what can you do?"

Zanthar let out an angry noise, but didn't waste time arguing with Metta, who smiled, satisfied, as Zanthar flew off. Generally, the Henchmaniacs listened to Metta at this point, and they also didn't mess with him, for fear of Bill's wrath. That left a lot of legroom for things Metta could get away with.

Next he spread some of the most petty, gossipy rumours he could think of, such as "Pyronica said 8-ball can't even scare a 5-year-old, he's that pathetic" and "Bill only keeps Kryptos around because he makes Bill look cooler by comparison." Really, demons were rather petty, which helped lay the groundwork for a failing plan. They barely got along at the best of times.

Metta headed back to his post before Bill could notice he was away from it. Now he just had to wait for Ford to incite his riot. Metta was quite curious to see how that would play out, and a little tempted to use some chaos to ramp up the energy. He was getting more demon-like, wasn't he? That was... worrying. He never wanted to end up like Bill.

He snapped to attention, no time to worry about himself, when he noticed Ford, with Dipper and Mabel at his side, climbing onto the roof of Ray's old lab. Metta felt the guilt creeping in at the thought of Ray before he suppressed it. Time to wait for the right moment to strike.

"People of Piedmont!" Ford spoke into a megaphone. "My name is Ford Pines. I'm one of the leaders of the Resistance. With me are my niece and nephew, Mabel, and Dipper. Together, we took down Bill Cipher in August when he took over a small town called Gravity Falls."

A crowd was starting to be drawn out into the open. Metta admired the bravery of these first people. Some of them were planted Resistance members, like Asgore and Undyne, and Metta knew Mistral was down there too, waiting for her part.

"We refused to bow to him then," Ford continued. "And we refuse to bow to him now. Tell me, Piedmont, are you really okay with just hiding away? Letting that demon terrorize you? One of his pawns even took one of your own! Are you okay with letting the death of Ray Pines be in vain?"

Metta winced. Honestly, maybe he did deserve to die. He had murdered Ray Pines in cold blood.

Stop that, Mistral snapped. My dad wouldn't want that, idiot.

Right. Sorry.

"I say we're done hiding. I say we take back our world. The demon wants chaos? I say we make some chaos!"

A cheer erupted from the now larger crowd. Ford's speech was successful, but the man must've known a riot wouldn't disturb Bill. He knew what he was doing. He was the real bait. Metta admired the tenacity.

"And remember!" Mabel had the megaphone now. "We're not trying to hurt anyone down here. Humans, monsters, we all have to work together! The real enemies are up there! In that big pyramid!"

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