Chapter 9 - Fuck me like you hate me

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Shuri and RiRi arrived just in time to hear the American National Anthem being played. Riri wanted to stand at attention to not cause any scene but Shuri did not give a single fuck!

"Whoa!" The scientist shrieked as she was being pulled away to someplace, "Do you even know where I have our seats at?"

The Royal smirked as they stopped in front of two double doors with the words 'VIP' on it. "I think this is our room," Shuri said as she opened the door, allowing Riri to walk in before her as she closed the door.

"How did you know that I got us box tickets?" Riri asked as she turned to face the Princess with her arms crossed under her chest, pushing her breasts up. On purpose too!

"The Dora Milaje told me," Shuri answered nonchalantly like she wasn't affected by the small girl in front of her.

"They're here?!" Riri squawked as she turned back around to assess the room for the soldiers that always came out from nowhere and anywhere.

Meanwhile, Shuri had her hand over her mouth to suppress the horny ass groan that she wanted to let out. Mentally, she swore on Bast that she couldn't leave this place without putting her lips on Riri. She just had to because it was starting to eat her alive.

"Griot," The Princess whispered into her Kimoyo bead, "Darken the window so that no one could see in here."

"As you wish Panther." The AI responded and he did as he was told.

Shuri then looked Riri as she was still trying to find the Dora, "They're not in here," She said, causing the younger girl to pause her movements, "I asked for privacy. Just between the two of us." The Royal added on softly as she looked into Riri's eyes, hoping that she understood the 'privacy' part.

Then, they heard the announcer's voice interrupting their little moment. "Let the tip off begin!" He exclaimed as the arena erupted into loud roars.


Throughout the first quarter, the two girls sat on opposite ends of the couch that overlooked the rest of the arena, seemingly engrossed in the Bulls vs Celtics game going on.

Well, they thought they were engrossed.

Shuri's eyes were on the game but her mind was on the petite woman not too far from her. Riri was the same way and by time of the second quarter, they both unconsciously scooted over to each other, knees touching ever so slightly.

"Shuri?" The American girl called out, making the Princess turn her head to face her, "Why did you agree to come with me?"

That question made Shuri raise a questioning eyebrow towards the younger girl which caused Riri to back track a bit. "I mean like...of all the things you could be doing as of right now to help Wakanda," Riri took a short pause before continuing with a small laugh, "You're here with me watching a Christmas basketball game that none of us are paying attention to anymore."

The Royal let out a snicker before wrapping an arm around the scientist, "Yeah you're right. I could be doing something more 'productive' than being here with you," That earned her a sharp look which she laughed off.

"But, I choose you," Shuri added on with sincerity plastered over her face, "I want to show you that I would like to have you in my life. Everyday of every week of every year," Riri's heart probably skipped a few beats because she didn't realize she had her own hand on her chest over her heart. Hearing Shuri's confession's doing things to her mind.

"And besides," The Princess continued as she scanned every inch of Riri's flawless face, memorizing any little detail, "I refuse to lose to a white boy named Brent." Shuri finished, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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