Chapter 6 - I get jealous Riri

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Every night after that one FaceTime was the initiator for more video calls. Both girls started their days seeing each other's faces and ended it the same way - like it was the most normal thing to do.

Riri ended up rambling about how she only had 20 minutes to complete her differential equations test because she missed it.

"I'm still sorry about that you know," Shuri felt herself say, "I just wished I was quicker."

"Don't beat yourself up about it Shuri. What's done is done right?" Riri answered, filling in her eyebrows, "Matter of fact, that test was too easy. I finished in 10 minutes," She cheesed as she brought her phone to her face.

The Princess was indeed impressed, "Congratulations!" She said as Riri did a cute pose for her to see, causing her to chuckle at her screen.

Riri looked at the time, "Well Princess, I have mechanical engineering class in 10 minutes. We'll definitely catch up later."

Shuri nodded, "We will. Stay safe and wear protective gear!" The Royal added on, her nerves hiking up a bit. She didn't want to see her scientist end up hurt by not properly preparing herself. Shuri would probably see herself on a jet to MIT in a heartbeat.

"Yes Ms. Panther," Riri joked as she grabbed her book bag, "I'll protect myself. Now go have fun with Nakia."

"Yes ma'am."


"Oh Bast, you have it bad," Nakia said, finally letting herself be noticed by Shuri who jumped a bit from the disturbance.

"Don't scare me like that. I almost had a heart attack," The Princess stated, placing her hand on her heart which earned her a slight tap to her shoulder.

"Stop being so dramatic. You would've noticed me looking at you for the past 5 minutes if you weren't making heart eyes at your phone," The spy countered as she placed a cup of tea down for Shuri to drink.

Shuri rolled her eyes, "I wasn't making heart eyes! I was just talking to Riri."

Nakia gave her a 'Are you shitting me' look, "I'm just wondering why you just don't ask her to be yours already. You're obviously smitten with her and it's likewise from her end."

Shuri understood what her sister-in-law was saying. The longer she waited to make her intentions known to the girl who seized her heart, the more chances someone else had to make their move on Riri.

"I know. I don't want to rush anything with her or try to forcibly alter her life a second time. I want her to have a choice," Shuri vocalized sincerely, "I'm thankful that we got to meet and are still in contact with each other. That in itself is a blessing."


(Week of Christmas Day - Riri)

The young girl had completed all her finals the week prior and have been trying to get into contact with Professor Simmons since then but to no avail. She's starting to think the man is intentionally avoiding her.

Taking her out of her thoughts was a knock on her door. The person knocked a few more times before Riri begrudgingly decided to see who wanted her attention.

"It's a Mondayyy," She drawled out as she opened her dorm door just to see who she wasn't expecting at all. Note the sarcasm.

The guy peered down at her with a sheepish look as he held a bouquet of red flowers in front of him, as if he was waiting for her to grab them from him.

"Bryan," Riri stated, slightly annoyed by him coming to her room, "What are you doing here?"

Yes, yes. You might think that she is being bit of a bitch towards him but this is Bryan we're talking about.

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