Chapter 7 - I better be in those damn thoughts

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After that little situation with MJ, Riri asked for Shuri's help with moving her bags to her car that the Princess fixed.

"Are you sure you don't come along with me for the ride? I could use the company," Riri beamed at Shuri as she opened the driver's side and sat down in the seat.

The Princess took ahold of her door and slowly closed it for her, leaning down a bit to Riri's eye level.

Shuri shook her head, internally cursing herself for denying her crush, "Some other time for sure. I have some business to attend to today," The Royal watched as a frown started to draw its way onto Riri's lips so she placed a light kiss on the tip of her nose.

"I'm only a Kimoyo call away love," Shuri muttered, trying to console her.

The American girl nodded her head dejectedly, "I understand," Then she raised her index finger in realization, "But! You can't forget the Pajama party on Saturday. I'd be very upset with you Shuri if you don't show up."

Shuri laughed wholeheartedly, a nice smile gracing her lips, "I wouldn't miss it for the world and besides," The Princess cocked her head to the side, "I'm coming to pick you up so just text me the time and I'll be there in a flash."

After the two girls gave each other their last goodbyes, Shuri watched as Riri drove away in the distance, out of the parking lot, feeling as if a piece of her heart was moving away too.

Snapping herself out of her reverie, she touched her Kimoyo beads, "Aneka," She stated through the communication line.

"Yes Princess Shuri," The Midnight Angel answered, her suit fully prepared for whatever her Black Panther needed her to do.

"Riri is on her way up to her home in Chicago and she's driving a red charger. I've marked it on your scanner and Griot will keep you on target. Make sure she reaches to her house safely and her home is secured," The Royal ordered out, her protectiveness over the girl pouring out in waves.

"As you command Your Highness."


"Here is the professor Princess," Okoye announced as she moved out of the way to show Shuri the professor who put Riri's life in danger.

They were in an abandoned warehouse a few miles out of the city. The Dora made special preparations to have the area secured as their Princess interrogated the man.

Shuri's face was hard as stone as she approached the bastard and as she took more steps towards him, her anger started to flare as a result.

She made a gesture to Okoye and she removed the bag off of his head. The professor was tied to a chair in chains, visibly struggling against his restraints.

He had a rag stuffed in his mouth that blocked his protests for help. Shuri roughly took out that rag though, watching the man gasp in pain and a result, coughs followed.

Okoye made her way to the visible line of the man. He wasn't injured or anything. She just took him by surprise when she captured him.

"Now little man," She started off with a creepy smile towards him, watching him give her a scaredy cat kind of look, "Give us the information that we want and you could possibly leave here alive."

Shuri held up a school photo of Riri, her scientist, "This is Riri Williams. A student in your metallurgy course," Shuri said, deadpanned, "Why did you trick her into building a Vibranium detector and selling it to the C.I.A.?"

Professor Simmons' mouth started to move like a gaping fish out of water, indicating to Shuri that he knew exactly what he did.

"I-I-I did no such thing!" He began to ramble, "She's a brilliant student - and I mean brilliant! But I would never do that her! H-h-her project got, uh, broken - yes, when I had it transported to my personal lab." He pointlessly continued as Shuri and Okoye looked at him in un-amusement.

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