Thanking her, I take the offered items and head to our temporary room. Arella squeals when I gently set her down on the bed, bouncing on her bum while I get changed.

I was right, it is a little tight around my boobs and butt area. Taking a look at the full body mirror that's hanging behind the door, I almost faint.

This is the type of bathing suit Damon would never let me wear out in public. Straps criss cross along my stomach and back, making the suit look more like shibari rather than something to swim in.

The top has sheer panels, my cleavage pressed up to the point where it almost looks like they're about to spill over. Don't even get me started on the bottoms. There's more of my ass showing than not.

Good lord. I know my breasts are swollen from not nursing Arella today, but this is a little much.

"Oh well. As long as Daddy doesn't see it." I shrug as I talk to Arella.

She wiggles along the bed, heading towards the nightstand where my phone is still plugged in. I grab her before she can fall off and toss her back on the mattress, tickling her belly.

A high pitched joyful squeal escapes her tiny body as I use my long nails to tickle her sides. Leaning down, I blow a raspberry into her neck. Anything to get her to continue her laughing fit. It's my new favorite sound.

That, and the boys whenever they call me Mama. My good little Italian boys.

"Let's get your bum bum changed. We're going swimming."

I don't know how well Arella is going to do with the water. She doesn't tend to like baths that much unless I'm with her. Showers are a whole different story. She loves them. I've even caught her sneaking into the shower when Damon's in there.

My husband pretended to be displeased, but he couldn't hide his smile when she crawled in there while wearing her pajamas. I ended up having to change her into a onesie after taking off the soaked outfit.

The bathing suit is a tad bit big on Arella. It's still adorable, so I don't care.

"Let's go find McKenna and Natalia." I announce, picking up my baby girl.

She perks up upon hearing McKenna's name, pointing her little finger towards the door.

"Alright. Alright." I laugh.

We find Natalia standing next to the door that leads to their backyard. She's carrying McKenna while holding Nicholas' hand. He's an adorable little boy with a little bit of a shy streak.

He almost reminds me of Gianni when he was that little. Whenever Ares is around, Nicholas hangs onto his every word and action. Just like Gianni. It makes me miss when my boys were little.

"I have some sunscreen out there for the kids. Tanning lotion for us." She winks, sliding open the glass door.

Nicholas takes off the second the door is open, making Natalia yell, "Don't run by the pool, baby!"

He looks back towards his mom, only slowing down slightly. It's then I see what the small boy was running towards. A big dog is laying down on the grass, sunbathing in this perfect weather.

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