🍪 pt1

388 1 4

Story requested by catsaresoooooawsome

Ponyboy was just walking Down the street *
Man: free coookies! Free cookies!
Ponyboy stomach grumbles *
Ponyboy: cookies for lunch it is then
Ponyboy walks up to the man*
Man; do you want free cookie
Ponyboy: yes please
The man hands him one and give him a note and scurries off*
Ponyboy eats his cookie* and takes note
Ponyboy: this is amazing!
Ponyboy: wonder what the note says oh well I don't care I read it later he puts the note in his pocket
As ponyboy walking back home he feels as if the world has gotten bigger around him
Ponyboy makes home and opens the front door
Sodapop and Darry rush to greet ponyboy
Sodapop looks at ponyboy stunned 😧
Darry: ponyboy? Is that you?
(Ponyboy had turned into a 5 yr old)
Ponyboy: what you mean soda of course it's me
A piece of paper falls out ponyboy jean pocket*
Darry: what's this?
Ponyboy: I don't know the cookie man gave it to me
Sodapop: cookie man?
Ponyboy: yes
Darry reads note*
Darry reading the note: ends in two days figure out how to change the boy back or he'll die
Darry: ponyboy where did u get the cookie from?
Ponyboy: the cookie man he sell cookies on the side road
Darry: don't take things from strangers anymore ok ponyboy
Ponyboy: sworry darry
Sodapop: what are we gonna do?
Darry: well we got 2 days
Sodapop: I'll take care of him
Darry: I'm gonna go find this "cookie man"
Ponyboy: I don't want a babysitter
Ponyboy: I'm not a baby ! I'm this many *shows five fingers*
Sodapop: I know your not a baby but we can't leave you home alone
Ponyboy pouts*
Darry leaves*
Sodapop: why dont we watch a movie
Ponyboy: Peter Pan !
Sodapop: ok ok *chuckles*
.. ...meanwhile
Ok so I'm gonna pt 2 but let me know what u think if u don't like it I'll start over

The outsiders oneshots mostly ponyboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon