would they lie to get you out of trouble

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would they lie to get
you out of trouble
TW: none
request: no

- wednesday • depends on what it is • if it's something you were doing to help what she's been working on then hell yeah

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- wednesday
• depends on what it is
• if it's something you were doing to help what she's been working on then hell yeah

- enid
• she will always take the blame for you most of the time UNLESS its something a little crazy

- tyler
• possibly
• if it has to do with nevermore then he can't
• but if you got in trouble with his dad then
he will try his best

- xavier
• once in a while, yeah
• it depends on the situation too
• if he does he expects you to do the same someday

- rowan
• most likely, it really depends on the situation you're in
• he usually does but there is a chance he won't because it won't work or you're already too deep in trouble

- ajax
• he'd try
• he's not a very impressive liar
• it ends up with both of you in trouble 😔


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