First time fun (gender natural)

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Day 1: first time
60s teen bowie again
You best believe it's smut Bebe

Dreadful Tuesday
I hated Tuesday. Most people hate Mondays but Tuesdays were the worst. I had school until 15.30 and then after school activities, which I did in fact not choose myself my dear old mother did. I mean an hour of PHYSICS CLUB?? Best believe Tuesdays are my worst nightmare.

I was walking to school when David tapped on my shoulder. "Hey!" He said energetically. "Hello" I replied "Why the long face?" He questioned. "Tuesday, and physics club, and p.e first" I replied whit a sigh. "I have p.e fist too, but don't worry, we can suck at throwing balls together" he said whit a laugh. "I'd rather be sucking balls to be honest" "What?" He asked "Nothing"

P.e, the dreaded p.e. Physical education. God know this is the worst class.
Me and David sat in the far corner trying to not be noticed while the others played basketball, or war ball, or something whit orange balls.  Anyway I was more interested in the conversation I was having whit David. "It's deep, you need to listen to the lyrics a bit more, besides... Y/n are you even listening to me?" He says completing his sentence whit a small frown. "Right, something about the Beatles?" I say. "No, not at all anything about the Beatles."

After a minute of silence he leans in close to my ear "Do you want to skip?" He says whit a toothy grin. "But what if we get caught?" I say "it's a risk I'm willing to take!" He half shouts turning a few heads on the court before they go back to "orange ball game" as me and David have renamed it. After the teacher turned his back we ran into the lockers, changing into our normal clothes and then heading out the backdoor and running until we couldn't see the school anymore.

"Should we go to your place?" I asked. "My mum is home, but she'll leave in an half an hour, so after that we can go there", he says mater of factly. "Your place it is"

We found a nice quiet field right around Davids house and sat under a tree. We talked about music, magazines, drugs, models, the weather, philosophy, space, idiots in our school, gossip and anything that came to mind. We didn't even notice that we had sat there for 2 hours when we should of sat there for about 15 minutes. "Oh god look at the time, we should go back to school or something" he said looking at his watch. "But we could also just go to your place, your mom will be out for another 2 hours yes?" I said whit a laugh. "Look at you,"I'm so cool now that i skipped school once" he said giggling. "yeah whatever just come on!" "Okay let me grab the keys" and we were dashing down the street to his house.

I'd always thought his house was nice. Portraits of family over the fireplace, a dissent kitchen covered whit blue wallpaper, an upstairs bathroom and 3 bedrooms. But I knew David for so long that I knew it was just a coverup story. A coverup story for a very sad reality.

We raced upstairs taking our shoes off on the way, it proofed very difficult. We got to his bedroom and closed the door. His walls where plastered whit posters of musicians and drawings he had done. His bed was in the middle of the room. It had yellow covers whit flowers printed on them. "Nice bedsheets" I snicker. "Oh shut up" he said. I sat on his bed whit him and felt something under my bum.

I picked up the magazine that I'd accidentally sat on and open to a random page. "Oh god boobies" I said laughing at the way I said it like a ten year old. "Give it Back!" , he shouted grabbing it but finding it useless. "Oh what about this nice blond?" I said waiving it in the air. I knew I was being childish but sometimes, it's fun to tease.

He got on top of me trying to grab the magazine from me, keeping his knee in between my legs and his hand on my throat trying to reach it . As he finally did our eyes met. "Fuck, I'm sorry this is a weird position I-" he explained before I pulled him in for a kiss, a long heated kiss.

I palmed him trough his pants feeling the bulge forming. "Mmm...Shit" he half moaned. He started playing whit my belt zipping my pants down and pulling them off, never breaking the kiss. Soon we both we're only in our underwear, making out heatedly. I got on top and pulled his boxers down, revealing his growing erection. I started to jerk him off while trying to get my own undergarments off.

"Ohh... faster shit" he gasped throwing his head back. We where now both naked.
"Wait a minute". I said stopping "I've never done y'know, this before" I said embarrassed "me nether" he said "do you have any, things for your thing..." I asked. Umm... yeah I have one in my drawer", He said reaching for his night stand.

He rolled the condom onto his dick and I watched whit hungry eyes. I when for his neck sucking and licking all the skin. "Mmmmhh..." he groaned. I sat up and lowered myself on his long member as we both moaned at the same time. He turned us around so that he was on top going slow. "Fuck yeah David, faster" I moaned. "Yeah, you like that?" David said. "Your Lack of dirty talk knowledge, mmhh... amazes me" I say "shut up" he says as he hits my sweet spot "right there, fuck!" I moan "faster" I add.

The house was quickly filled whit moans and incoherent sounds. The bed was rocking so hard back and forth that I was amazed that the neighbours didn't knock on the wall, or they did and we didn't hear. "Just like that" David screamed "I'm so close baby, mmghh!" I groaned "same". "Fuck. Fuck, fuck!" We screamed simultaneously and I released, him not long afterward.

"That was..." he said plopping next to me on the bed. "Really good" I finished his sentence. We layer there for a moment before he spoke "So what time is it?" "12.34" I answered looking at David's wrist watch next to me on the floor. "So back to school?" He asked. "I guess" I answered and started dressing myself.

This is gonna be an awkward day.

1138 words! hope you liked it, I can't believe I used the word member 💀 I'm going to sleep it's one 1am bye ✌️

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