"Umm.. Hey miss?" Her thoughts were disturbed as a voice called her. Probably her. She moved her head towards the direction from where the sound came from and saw a man, looking at her. The tall man looked quite unsure and confused.

She looked around to look for someone else as she was trying to make sure that they were talking to her and when her eyes couldn't find anyone, she pointed towards herself and tilted her head trying to confirm that he was talking to her. Looking at her confused face he gave a little nod to which she sighed.

It looked like she was beaten up and he was curious. But still her little act made her look adorable in his eyes. She was pretty and there was no doubt in that.

She opened her mouth to speak but closed again as she saw another man, a little shorter than the other man, jumping and running towards them only to stop and widen his eyes in shock.

"Hey hey miss! Yes you!! What do you think you are doing there?" He asked and a sigh left her lips. Before the man could even speak another word, she lifted her leg to move forward, panicking the guys.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT. CALM THE FCK DOWN MISS. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO GET BETTER. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. DON'T GIVE U-" the shorter man tried to continue but stopped as he saw the woman in front of her giving him a death glare. As if telling him to shut up.

"Everything is going to get better? Bullsht." Scoffing, she whispered, enough for them to hear her.

"Hey miss, think about your family. What are th-" the taller man started but was cut off by her

"Family? I don't have one. Go mind your own fckin business and leave me alone." She said as she finally took a step, and fell into the icy cold river. She could hear the men scream and soon closed her eyes. Finally, leaving this goddamn place. I hope my next life will be decent. I hope so.

Haein probably had a mini heart attack as he saw the woman falling from the bridge and there was In sub beside him, screaming and shouting. He was about to jump too for saving that woman but was stopped by his friend, as In sub told him not to and that it wasn't good for him as Haein himself had a fever. He saw In sub jumping off the bridge and soon saw him getting out of the water. With the woman.

Glad he was able to save that pretty girl.

Wait. Pretty?

He never called anyone pretty.

Not even the top model Kim Jennie who probably had the whole male population of Korea wrapped around her pinky finger.

He looked at the woman in front of him and saw how even after being beaten she still looked so beautiful. So gorgeous. I wonder what happened tho.. mayb-

"Haein Hello can you hear me?" In sub shouted, breaking his thoughts about the lady.


"I said that she's fine now, just unconscious. And look at her wounds my god. Go get the car, we have to get to the hosp-"

In sub couldn't finish as he saw his friend going to their car and coming and in a blink of an eye, they were at the hospital.

"What are you thinking about?" In sub asked as he munched on another apple, they were currently in the hospital, for visiting the nameless woman.

"I don't know.. It has been 3 days and she has still not woken up. And about her injuries, I wonder what happened." He answered with a sigh as he massaged the bridge of his nose. He hated the smell of medicines and he hated hospitals in general.

"Don't stress about that Haein, you should trust the doctors here. She would probably wake up soon." Seong Jo said with a smile, trying to cheer his friend. And also wondering what was wrong with him as out of all those people Haein has saved, this woman was probably the first one who got him to care about her so much. She's definitely special, for him.

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