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Did you ever think about your future? Did you think about how you'll meet the love of your life? Well, I didn't until I fell for him...


The walls were black and the mirrors on the wall were so clean, you couldn't see any dust on them. You were standing in front of the mirror, so lost in your mind that you didn't notice how Sunoo came into the room. He smiled at you and called your name a few times but you didn't reply. In fact, you didn't even hear him, you were thinking about something.

"Y/naaaahh! Why are you not answering meeee?!" you finally hear Sunoo yelling at you while walking toward you.

"Ahh, I'm sorry Sunu, I was lost in my thoughts. Uhh, what were you saying again?" you said and stood up from the floor. "I was telling you to come with me 'cause Jake got us drinks before our practice" Sunoo said with an annoyed voice. You smiled and started walking with him out of the room.

Sunoo was your best friend, well all of them were. Your parents lived in another county so you didn't really have any relatives in Korea, but you had them. The 7 boys were your home and they knew how much you missed your parents so they did everything to make you feel at home.

While you were walking you talked with Sunoo and laugh together. When you reached the room everyone was in, you smiled even more.

"Well, well, well, look how finally showed up" Jay said and took a sip of his drink. 

"Don't listen to him Y/n, he's in a bad mood today" Jake said and walked towards you, "Here's your drink, your favorite" he said and gave you your drink. You smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"Anyway, today we all have a pretty busy day, so I'd suggest we get to work. The sooner we start everything, the sooner we end it" Jungwon said while already sitting with some papers in his hands.

Heeseung and Jay were working on some English-written papers while Sunghoon, Niki, and Sunoo were doing the same just with Korean-written papers. You, Jake, and Jungwon were writing/sighing some papers. After about two in a half hours of working you all were done. Now you had half an hour break and then, back to work. Today's work was pretty boring, mostly just papers so you got mentally ready to face a lot of paper today.

After 3 more hours of work, you all were done with the paperwork. Jay, Niki, and you took all the paperwork to the staff, while the others cleaned the workroom. 

You gave your paperwork to the staff and waited for Jay and Niki to do the same. While you were waiting, you once again started to fall into your thoughts. Niki notice that and walked to you carefully. "Y/n, are you okay?" he asked while putting his hands on your shoulders. You jumped a little from his touch and looked up into his eyes. He's way taller than you so he bent over a little bit so now he was at your high level. "You seemed a bit worried, is everything okay?" he asked again, but you didn't answer.  While Niki was trying to figure out what was wrong, Jay and the staff left the room not noticing you two still in it.

When the door closed, you heard the door lock click. You then fast looked from Niki to the door and then around the room to find no one there. Niki saw you looking around and did the same. Then he walked to the door and checked it. It was locked from the other side so there was no way you gonna unlock it even if you had the key to the door. 

You weren't really freaking out, and neither did Niki. You both sat on the floor, facing each other. You were playing with your shoelace and Niki was watching you. He kept his eyes on you even when you looked at him. You smiled at him not knowing what else to do. "What are you doing? Do I have something in my h-" "What were you thinking earlier? When I asked you, but you didn't answer? Sunoo told me that you were zoned out when he went to find you earlier... What happened?". He said everything calmly, looking directly into your eyes.

"I- everything's fine... don't worry, you know that I'll tell you if something's wrong..." you said and looked down. He took your hand and pulled you into a hug. "I know... I also know that you're hiding something from us, but I won't force you to tell me". Even though he told you he won't force you to tell him anything, you knew he wanted you to tell him everything.

"I will tell you, just a bit later, okay? I want to rethink everything now" you said and Niki smiled while still hugging you. "Whenever you're ready"

You hugged for a few more minutes while talking and then someone opened the door. "Guys... Why are you still here?" Sunghoon asked with a smirk on his face. "Jay looked us up and we don't have our phones with us..." you said while pulling away from Niki. "Yeah yeah, anyways we are going to have dance practice, you're coming?" Hoon asked again and turned around to leave "Or do you want to stay here together?" "No, we're coming" Niki said standing up while still holding your hand. "Let's go" he said and you both ran to Sunghoon.


What Y/n was thinking about

When I met Niki I never thought that I ever will fall for him. He always was nice and warm to me. He took care of me, made me smile when I was sad, and even if he was mad at me, he tried his best not to yell at me. Niki and I are really close, so sometimes other people, like staff or fans think we're secretly dating. I love Niki but I'm way too scared to tell him that. I don't want to lose our friendship. Today, when Sunoo and later — Niki, saw me zoned out, I was thinking, about whether should I tell Niki my feeling or not.


~ I forgot to tell you guys that I will create some places and some thing that in this book k-Idols will do, but in real life probably aren't doing (Idk if you understand what I wanted to say, but I tried)~

Words: 1080

Date: 2022, December 11th

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