Chapter 2

730 28 13

Songs: Guys My Age; bad guy

Bucky invaded Veronica's thoughts constantly, his scent lingering everywhere he had been. She was embarrassed by how she had acted in the hospital, and when he drove her home that early morning, she was silent the whole ride back. As he pulled into the driveway, she thanked him quietly, getting out of the truck and going inside before he could stop her.

She went through her nightly routine quickly, but when she was taking her sweater off, she noticed it smelled of spices- cinnamon and something. Flushing when she realized she was sniffing her sweater deeply, she threw it into the laundry basket, rushing through getting changed as she tried not to think about Bucky.

Veronica saw him briefly at the hospital the second day, running in a mad dash to drop some things off for her dad. Bucky was sitting in the chair by the bed laughing with Steve, dressed casually in a hoodie and joggers.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were here," Veronica mumbled, cheeks flushing at the sight of him despite her hurry. He turned to her, eyes sparkling with leftover mirth and her knees went weak, insides clenching as she nearly dropped what was in her arms.

"Hey Vee," Bucky said, slouched in his seat, legs spread apart, resting his scruffy chin on his hand. He grinned as he surveyed her, other hand tapping his fingers on his thigh, drawing her gaze for a moment.

"Honey, I didn't think you were coming until tonight," Steve chimed in, and Veronica nodded blankly, mind short-circuited for a minute as she stared at Bucky in sweats, before restarting, her panic returning as she turned and met her dad's eyes.

"Yeah I know, but the test for one of my classes apparently didn't go through, and I didn't want to seem like I was using you as an excuse, so now I've gotta retake it online, but it's at a specific time tonight. So I brought you the stuff you wanted, but I can't stay, I've got like, three hours to restudy and take the test, I'm sorry Dad," Veronica said, all in a rush, stepping forwards and dropping everything she held into Bucky's lap. He raised his arms quickly to catch it all, a bag and two sketchpads, along with a container of food.

"It's okay, go, I've got Buck for company," Steve smiled reassuringly at his daughter, who returned it briefly before turning to go. She could hear her dad say something about 'damn technology' and she shook her head, running down the halls and back to her car.

Everything went smoothly and Veronica was able to retake the test, relieved when it was done and her professor had assured her it was received. She found herself staring at her phone after hanging up, trying to build up the courage to call Bucky to take him up on his offer of helping. Veronica pressed his number before she could second guess herself, listening to the ring.


"Hey, Bucky? It's Veronica, Vee, I mean," she rolled her eyes at herself, listening to the low chuckle on the other end.

"Hey Vee. Have your test yet?" Bucky asked and Veronica smiled, sitting back on the couch, happy he had asked.

"Yeah, I don't know how I did yet, but my professor said it for sure got turned in this time, so that's something," she sighed, stretching out and wincing at the tightness in her neck. "Anyways, I was just calling to see if you could come over tomorrow to help move some furniture? I want to set up the living room for my dad so he doesn't have to do the stairs right now."

"Of course. What time do you want me?"

"Maybe noon? Would that work? I'm sorry, it really just depends on when they release him," Veronica muttered, mentally figuring out her day.

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