Chapter twelve

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Callie's pov-

I was feeding Tori a bottle while Meredith was sitting beside me with Lexi in her arms.

"So when are you going to ask my sister to marry you." Meredith asks out of nowhere, causing me to choke on literally nothing.

"What?! We got together like 5 months ago!" I try to explain as I gently lift Tori up to start burping her.

"And you are already raising a family together." She points out, still just staring at her niece.

I didn't really have an reason why we couldn't get married.

"Look, you don't have any surgeries tomorrow, neither do I so we can run to the mall and look for rings." Meredith tells me and when I was about reject the idea, she cuts me off. "You don't have to purpose before you are ready but at least you have the ring."

I looked down at both of my beautiful daughters that the wonderful woman in question gave me.

I can't see any form of my future without her and our small family getting larger.

"Sounds good, I have a patient coming in for her cast off at 10 so we can leave after that."

"Sounds good, now I'm going to find my sister and try to get her to go home because we both know she won't leave there without being forced."

I laugh as I watch her walk off before realising she was still holding Lexi.

"She's always trying to steal one of you babies, that's how much your village loves you." I tell my beautiful baby girl in my arms as I pack everything up and get her settled in the carrier before going to find the sisters and my other baby.

I looked at the surgery board to see what surgeries on and what one was the coolest, I know she will be in there.

"3 brain tumours in one man? You're mama is definitely going to be in there."

I start my walk to the or gallery where the surgery is, getting stopped by a nurse every couple steps with them cooing over Tori and asking where the other twin was.

"Hey baby." I kissed Payton's cheek when I finally get to her.

She was cooing and explaining the surgery to Lexi like she understood what she was saying, but Lexi was content just staring up at her mama in awe. Me too lex me too.

" hey Callie, hello my sweet TT." She looked up at us both before looking back down at what her temporary replacement was doing.

"My surgery doesn't start for another hour, we could go get something to eat in the cafeteria before you leave." I asked as I lifted Lexi into the carrier too.

She stares longingly down at the surgery for a couple seconds before standing up and taking the bag from my hand.

"If we have an hour, I say we walk to the park and grab a burger from the new truck?"

"Ooh let's go!" I say as I pulled her up out of the seat.


Payton's pov-

I had just pulled up at Sofia's school, pulling up into the pickup line as we all waited for the bell to ring.

"Hey sofsof!" I greeted my biggest baby as she climbed into the car.

"Hey mama!"

On the way home I listened to Sofia happily tell me about her day.

"Mama, can we go out for dinner?"

"Not tonight because I have all the ingredients to make pizza like you wanted but I'll talk mommy about going for dinner tomorrow. Is that okay?" I ask gently.

"Yeah! I want pizza!" She replied as I pulled up to the house.

I help Sofia out before unlocking the door for her to go inside and do her homework while I unpacked the car and brought the twins in.

"Right, let's get started on dinners." I say to myself as I gently place Lexi and Tori in their  rockers that are placed so I can see them in the living room.

"Mama, Can I help make dinner?" Sofia asked as she handed me her homework to put back in her bag that I had hung up so she wouldn't be able to do it herself, I didn't really think putting it up there through but she leaves it in the middle of the path.

"Ofcourse you can my love, go wash your hands and put on your apron."

She happily runs into the downstairs bathroom to wash her hands as I place her work in her princess backpack.

I get to work on setting out all the ingredients that we will need before washing my hands in the kitchen sink.

"Ready cheeky?" I asked my oldest daughter as I pulled over her stepping stool.


"Right let's get started!"

Not proof read
This is only a short chapter as I have no real ideas for this book so if there is anything that you want to see in this book please tell me.
838 words

lexi greys twin. Callie X OcHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin